mardi 20 janvier 2015

Understanding What Figurative And Genre Art Really Are

By Enid Hinton

A lot of people are wondering why art is very pricey especially if it is really made by someone who has made a name in the industry. This is because you can expect that their pieces are of the same caliber. And it is something that is very valuable. The value that these pieces possess can sometimes be too high that it is not attainable for the common people.

As you know, there are different classification when it comes to the art that you create. The piece is categorized through the knowing the method used and the purpose of the final product. That is why you can see that there are always labels when the final work is displayed. Two examples for classifications are figurative and genre art.

Although everything is classified as artworks, there are still many branches wherein the piece can fall in to. And this is one of the reason why people appreciate it more. It brings out the genuine feature that is in a piece. For instance, it is said that those that are made with figurative concept are known to be from a specific event. This means that it is based from a real happening.

On the other hand the genre art types are those that could be made out of the imagination of the artist. They may look the same when it comes to the finished product. But the these types signify an important part of the history while the those that belong to the genre types can be unreal.

One of the distinguishing element of a figurative portrait is the time being applied. You can see that it is derived from a specific era. This is one of the most important feature that distinguishes this from the other categories. It aims to show the type of culture that is present during that time.

The figurative type is also utilized for other functions. More than just art, it shows a different type of concept. One of the best examples would be the statue of the gods in Greece. It is not just a symbol of devotion and belief to deities. It is also known to show the perfect geometric measurements of the structure.

If you are confused between the abstract arts and the figurative ones, you do not have to be. Abstracts are those works that you can barely recognized. There is an image but it would be hard to know what it is. The figurative ones are clearly defined so the images can be seen clearly.

Genre artwork is one of the most famous classification of arts. This is what you would usually see in the homes of different people. And the image that is usually depicted are those that are seen in the daily seen as well. This is why you can easily see the story that is happening in the picture.

But it is not only for human activities. It also applies to what happens in other places such as underwater and in the forest. This can be considered as trying to capture the scenery. That is why you can also hear that it is also known to be scene arts or painting. This is the type of art that was on the rise when the average people were already aware of the presence of art and they have started procuring it.

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