samedi 17 janvier 2015

Choosing The Right Chemotherapy Headwear

By Kristen Baird

In the battle to fight cancer, chemo is one of the common treatment methods used. Unfortunately, while it is fighting the cancer, it is also wreaking havoc on your body. Among the many symptoms you may be experiencing, hair loss is likely to occur. Patients often begin searching for chemotherapy headwear before or at the start of treatments. In preparation for the loss of hair, choosing coverings can help give you some peace of mind regarding your appearance. You have many different options.

One type of head cover is the scarf. Scarves are designed to be lightweight and have multiple sizes to suit different head sizes. The pattern and color options are nearly endless. There are also scarves available that are already tied for patients who do not want to have to worry about tying their scarves. Fabrics include cotton, wool, and blends. Ideally, silk should be avoided because it tends to slide around on the head.

Many cancer patients opt for using hats. In this group, there are a large amount of different types available. Berets, Fedoras, and Brimmed hats are often more fashionable and can even add a more decorative touch to your wardrobe. They are also common choices by women because they provide more femininity. Baseball hats are often chosen for the more relaxed appearance and are suitable for men and women. If a softer fabric is what you desire, you can also choose a beanie or turban.

Wigs are another group of options for patients. A wig can be synthetic or made from donated human hair. They can be short or long, curly or straight, and everything in between. Many people choose a hair color, length, and style that closely resemble what their own hair looked like before the treatments began.

In your search for the right headpieces, there are a few tips to help with the selection process. Keep in mind that there will be a difference between pieces that are designed for people with hair and the pieces that are specifically designed for people who have lost their hair. They may not fit exactly the same. Also, they may not have the same level of comfort on the inside.

Your activities will also play a role in choosing the right head covers. If you are more active, you will need something that will stay in place much easier. For many patients, there should be pieces that accommodate limited mobility and increased activity levels. The pieces you choose should not look out of place or feel wrong when you wear them. They should compliment your wardrobe and particular style tastes.

Pieces should be a blend of functional and dressy. You should choose pieces that fit active days when you are getting treatments or running errands, and separate coverings for those dressy occasions. You can also choose pieces that are more colorful or have a pattern to offset the outfits in your wardrobe that are solid colored.

Your illness and subsequent treatment does not have to mean that you are not comfortable with yourself. You do not have to be confined to staying within the walls of your home. A head covering can give you the freedom to go out without being afraid of your appearance, or the toll weather can take on your delicate exposed scalp.

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