mercredi 21 janvier 2015

Dina Shubin And Her Artworks

By Kristen Baird

A certain artist has developed an appreciative following for the way in which she paints. She has found an interesting blend of realism and abstract that serves to create a particular feeling when looking at her work. This artist is Dina Shubin. Her desire is to express the divinity of women and her paintings manage to convey tranquility but at the same time these women have a goddess-like, powerful quality.

This artist studied art in Moscow where she was born and emigrated to Canada nine years after graduating from the Moscow Teachers Training Institute. She is married to Peter Panov who is also a well-known artist. Dina has participated in the past in art expos in large cities like Tokyo, Seoul and New York. Today her paintings can be purchased online from a number of galleries who feature her works.

One cannot help thinking of ancient icons when looking at her paintings and the poses of these women help to convey this impression. The fact that Dina studied art is reflected in her work as she adopts some techniques used by famous artists like Giotto, Modigliani and Klimt. However, she uses these in a distinctive way that is all her own. Her women have elongated figures and faces and although they are posed against abstract backgrounds, their flesh is painted very realistically.

With the contrast between the abstract and realism, the imagination of the viewer is stretched. The flesh is painted in a very realistic way and yet the elongation of the figures and faces and abstraction of the background gives the paintings a mythical, fairy tale quality. Serenity and power, the real and the abstract manage to co-exist together effortlessly in unusual combinations and juxtapositions.

Romanticism is another element of these works. The flowers, musical instruments and the fabrics of dresses and veils are all elements that are realistically painted. These elements surrounding the goddess-like women appeal to all the senses. One can almost smell the aromas, hear the notes in the air and feel the delicacy of the fabrics.

The women are all posed in different ways. One leans over the edge of a boat trailing her hand in the water. Another stands with arms folded. Even a woman seated on a window seat with arms resting on knees or one leaning over a staircase banister still give an impression of power although they are in repose. These women may be tranquil and relaxed and yet one never loses the impression of their other-worldliness either. Their divinity is evident and this impression is sometimes enhanced by the addition of a beautiful veil.

Backgrounds are often painted in rich, deep colors like ochre, dark red and rusts. Against these rich, rough abstract backgrounds, the soft flesh tones stand out and convey a feeling of tenderness. The vases of flowers and the musical instruments are painted in realistic detail, appearing even clearer against the abstract background. Intricately painted veils are also included in some paintings, adding to the divinity and ethereal quality of these women.

Many art lovers collect the paintings of this artist and they are excited when new paintings appear. Today one can purchase such paintings from a number of online galleries. Such a painting is a worthwhile investment for any collector.

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