jeudi 29 janvier 2015

Decorating With A Copper Wall Sculpture

By Janine Hughes

Home decor is very important to many people who want their spaces to reflect their own personality. In doing so, they try to be different, and sometimes they are successful. One way to be certain that successes had when being different is to add style to a room with a copper wall sculpture. Available in a variety of sizes, prices, and designs, anyone can bring this luxury into their own home.

Choose from the smallest and daintiest designs that are suitable for narrow walls, or from bold and impressive designs that spread right across the room. The latter would require a much greater investment, considering the artistic quality as well as the high cost of the material, however. The important thing to remember is that regardless of size, they are beautiful and impressive.

Whether the home is designed with a rustic flare or an ultra modern chic scheme, such decorative art is available and suitable. For example, in a modern scheme, they can be smaller squares that are fused together for a unique look. This abstract art works extremely well in such a space.

In a rustic or traditional space, a tree in a round medallion would look absolutely beautiful. For the bathroom, opt for a sculpture, perhaps of swimming fish, with water being the common theme. Other living spaces would benefit from floral or nature themes. On the whole, they are a great addition that create a much-needed focal point in many rooms.

Compared to any other type of work of art, they reach for more interest. Since many are so eye-catching, they serve as a wonderful topic of conversation. They are elegant and sophisticated, even in their simplest forms.

Simply put, such wall art adds substance and character to any space, from the bedroom to the living room and dining room, but also an office. What's more is that they're so easily maintained, they can be used both indoors or outdoors. With them, anyone can redefine space so easily and effectively.

Many designs enable the owner to mount them in different ways, either horizontally or vertically. More interest is added with a mixed patina that occurs to the metal, turning it into a masterful piece of artwork. That is what makes it work beautifully with any design scheme. Mount them on blank white walls or right on an old brick wall to warm up any room and create interest.

It's so easy to change the look and feel of any room and make it complete using this decorative art. Having said that, it is important to opt for a quality piece that gives the room substance. Such art is indicative of professional interior design, so it could make will it look as though the room was designed by a professional. Depending on the piece, have it framed or let it shine on its own, to draw the eye while warming up the space.

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