vendredi 30 janvier 2015

Secret Chambers Of The Great Pyramid Mystery

By Janine Hughes

Of all the man- made structures at Giza and Egypt generally, the Great Pyramid is the oldest and largest. In fact, it is the oldest among the Seven Wonders of the old world and was built as the final resting place for Pharaoh Khufu. Recently, there has been speculation about the discovery of secret chambers of the Great Pyramid. They are believed to house the remains of Khufu whose final resting place has not been discovered yet.

To start with, only three Chambers are already known to the world. The first two are on the upper side and are informally referred to as the Kings and the Queens Chamber respectively. The other one is called the base and serves as support for the rest of this giant structure. Two tunnels blocked by stone doors arise from the Queens section and its said that the tunnels probably lead to a secret chamber.

The Great Pyramid was built with four shafts, two extending from the Kings Chambers while the others are in the Queens. Those from the Kings side lead to the exterior while no one knows where the Queens shafts lead to. Since no other pyramids have shafts, it is difficult to solve this mystery, at least for now. The shafts are important as they provide a way into the almost solid structure.

Robots have been instrumental to pyramid explorers in trying to understand the magnificent structures. Exploration was first done in 1992 when a robot entered the Southern shaft in the Queens section. After ascending 200 feet, it discovered and took pictures of a secret door with two handles made of copper. This was not expected as such doors with copper handles have not been found in other Egyptian pyramids.

There is no consensus on what lay behind the door. Some believe that there is a secret chamber which houses the remains of Khufu. Still others speculate that the doors were built to trick anyone trying to steal treasures buried with Khufu. Yet others believe that the mystery of these doors is a puzzle to solve and reveal the exact spot where the remains of Pharaoh are.

Another exploration took place in 2002 with a new robot able to drill through the door found in 1992 in the Southern shaft. After drilling and inserting a camera, the robot took pictures of another secret door. This was one was only 20 centimeters from the first door! This was a completely new twist as there are no other pyramids with doors and in fact the section of the King does not have any.

In 2014, another robot went up the tunnels and discovered hieroglyphs made in red paint as well as carvings in the stone. The carvings and the hieroglyphs are almost 4,500 years old made during the construction of chambers. Scientists think that if the hieroglyphs are deciphered, more information about the shafts would be uncovered.

It is the tallest and oldest structure on the planet before us and is magnificent in every sense of this world. But we are yet to understand it, know why it was built and solve all its mysteries. We hope in time and with advanced technology, we are able to do that.

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