mercredi 21 janvier 2015

How Students In Film School Can Tackle Romance

By Katie Onson

It's easy to see that the genre known as romance is one of the most popular. I am sure that others can agree with such a sentiment, especially when given the fact that it can help to bring some of the strongest human emotions to the big screen. With these points in mind, though, not every student in film will be able to tackle this genre in the same way. In order to excel, as far as conveying romance in film is concerned, there is plenty to learn.

To start off, it's important for romance to be written well. You may want to go with a basic story of boy meets girl at some random setting, which can then play into events which feature the both of them getting closer. Of course, another story can be written with the idea of two best friends realizing deeper feelings for one another. Whatever the case may be, unless the narrative is written well, the goal of incorporating romance is not going to be met.

Of course, romance should not be at the forefront unless it's the genre you're focused on. Let's look at "Star Wars" as an example, since this series played up the formation of a romance between Han Solo and Princess Leia. Would the original trilogy be nearly as memorable if all we were focused on was that budding romance and not the intergalactic battles and overall action? Other genres can be incorporated and they can help to offset one genre, if this must be done.

The avoidance of tropes is another point that film students should keep in the back of their minds. In romance, there are quite a few tropes that have been used to the point of exhaustion, one of them being the break-up of a relationship before it is rekindled at the end of the film. It stands the case of having audience members roll their eyes, since they've seen it so many times before. As a film student, this is yet another aspect of romance that should not be overlooked.

If you want to add romance to your film, it's important to know the best ways in which it can be done. Keep in mind that just about any film can incorporate it, regardless of the genre it is rooted within. Of course, you have to consider that romance is best when it is written well and acted out by men and women who understand the character roles given to them. Once these are set in place, romance stands a greater chance of being a trait worth highlighting.

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