samedi 11 janvier 2014

The Features Of A Good Paper For Water Color Artists

By Marissa Velazquez

For most of water color artists, choosing the right paper can be very tricky and challenging as well. This is mostly contributed by the availability of so many papers in the market which are either fake or do not meet the set standards. However, with the right information, you can confidently walk to any stationery shop and purchase the right paper without any problems. This articles looks into some of the factors you need to be aware of before purchasing any paper.

The feel of the paper when touched or texture in other words should be considered if you wish to purchase the best type. Be informed that the best paper suitable for beginners in drawing is the hot press type. This is a distinct paper with straight grains. It is smooth thus ideal for most drawings. The Other papers are either rough or cold press in texture. These papers are usually used by experienced professionals.

As for the weight of the paper, it is advisable that you go for the light types as they are easier to work on. In the market, you will find papers of weights ranging from 90lb, to 300lb. Choose the light types specifically the 90lb type as it ideal for different artistic works. The heavier types of papers are more suited for those artists who have been in the profession for long.

The worst mistake you can make is to purchase papers which allow the pigment to absorb till it appears on the other side. Stay away from such papers. For eliminate any doubts, ask for a sample paper to carry out a small experiment before doing your purchase. Simply apply few drops of the pigment on the paper and observe the results. If the papers meet the absorbability specification, you can them go ahead and purchase them.

The cost of papers forms another important factor which should be on the fore before doing the purchase. Some outlets tend to overprice their stationery. These are the outlets you need to avoid. Do a spot check on the price range of different outlets. This will give you a hint on which outlet is cheaper.

The size and format of the paper still forms another important consideration for you to consider. Decide whether you are going for the pads, rolls, sheets or the block size papers. Pads are those papers which are held together by either glue or a spring file. The papers range from 20 to 50 in number. Artists prefer these intact papers as they are not usually misplaced or lost after work. Their standard size is usually 18 inches by 24 inches.

Old, dirty or folded papers need not to be purchased. Keenly scrutinize the papers to ensure that are free any of the said defects. Doing so will guarantee that you take home defect free paper which will produce smart work.

Also it is important that you go for acid free papers. These are the ideal papers which work well with most pigments. They do not react with such pigments. They are the ones used by successful water color artists.

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