vendredi 17 janvier 2014

Bill De Blasio's Inaugural Chair, Gabrielle Fialkoff

By Rachel Franklin

When you think of Bill de Blasio and his industry of focus, the political world is obviously the first thing that comes to mind. Get this though - NYC's mayor also has firm ties to Gabrielle Fialkoff, a powerful jewelry magnate.

Fialkoff is COO of Haskell Jewels and handled inauguration duties for the city's new mayor. In a recent interview with Fashion Week Daily, she gave more details about the big event.

The primary aim of the event was to bring de Blasio's campaign theme into the mix. The Democrat ran on the premise that he represented the masses and not just the rich. In this vein, the inauguration reflected the same values.

The event itself took place on January 1st, 2014. Tickets were available to all New Yorkers, a unique offering that hadn't been done in many years. All of this took place on the steps of City Hall.

On January 5th, the festivities continued. Fialkoff planned an open house celebration at Gracie Mansion. While the traditional mayoral home had been passed up by former Mayor Bloomberg, de Blasio has chosen to live there and invited 7,000 New Yorkers into his home. The event sold out in just three hours.

If the idea of someone in the jewelry industry planning these festivities seems weird, it shouldn't. Gabrielle Fialkoff worked in politics for many years before assuming her COO helm at Haskell. She helped the mayor campaign for a few races, including his run for City Council in 2001.

Fialkoff hasn't only worked with de Blasio though. She's also participated in campaign efforts for Hillary Clinton and other well known political figures. Eventually she made the move from politics to Haskell Jewels.

This was a great experience for Haskell's President and COO, as she had the opportunity to help a longtime friend plan a big event portraying a vision that she genuinely believes in.

All in all, the event was very well received by all who attended and the rest of the city. The new mayorship set off on a terrific note thanks to such a well planned event.

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