mardi 28 janvier 2014

How To Properly Take Good Care Of Sterling Silver Figaro Chains For Men

By Marissa Velazquez

Sterling silver figaro chains for men are so versatile that they may be worn together with formal and casual clothes. No matter what the occasion may be, necklaces and bracelets of such kind can make their wearers look chic and confident. If you own some of them, taking good care of these stunning accessories allows you to enjoy them for many years to come.

Keeping these everyday essentials in top condition is not that difficult a task. Every owner should know that silver is a softer metal compared to others, making it prone to damage. What's more, it is also susceptible to oxidation, something that causes the surface to tarnish and lose its beautiful gleam. The following are a few tips on how to keep these items looking fabulous:

Especially if you have several pieces in your collection, it's recommendable to purchase a top-notch jewelry organizer. The best one to get is something that has multiple compartments within, making it easier to prevent tangles. It's a bad idea to stash these accessories together in a single container as they may rub against each other and leave the surfaces scratched.

The compartments should also be lined with a material that helps delay tarnishing. While these accessories are not in use, their owners can have peace of mind that they won't lose their characteristic gleam. It's a good idea to purchase an airtight organizer in order to stave off oxidation, a chemical process which results in the tarnishing of these fashion accessories.

Leaving them under direct sunlight or any other bright source of light is definitely a no-no. Similarly, they should not be placed next to appliances that emit high temperature, especially in the case of necklaces with pendants sporting precious stones. These items are best placed in cool, dry areas in order to save them from ending up tarnished while not being used.

It's important for every man to remember that these accessories should be worn last when preparing to step foot outside the home. A necklace has to be worn after the man has dressed up and applied his cosmetics of choice such as aftershave cologne, perfume or hairstyling product. Likewise, putting on a bracelet should be done only after smoothing on his hand lotion. Doing so keeps the surface from being marred by harsh chemicals.

There are many commercial cleaners available on the market these days. When using them, it's not recommendable to leave these accessories dunked in the solution. It's a better idea to apply it using a soft cotton cloth. Most of the time, cleaning these items with water and mild soap will already do. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush helps in removing dirt and grime. A man should always remember to completely dry these accessories using a soft cloth before storing them.

Properly taking care of sterling silver figaro chains for men allows you to enjoy them for the longest time possible. It's just right for you to ensure that they are going to be around for years especially because many of them are expensive. At least once a year, allow an experienced jeweler to maintain and clean your prized possessions.

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