mercredi 22 janvier 2014

Some Information About Frozen Vegetable Burgers

By Marissa Velazquez

Everyone is probably familiar with frozen burger patties that just need to be heated up a little bit in order to be enjoyed by those who like to eat hamburgers. Of course now that the health trend is slowly increasing, more and more people have been switching to frozen vegetable burgers instead of the usual meat patties. This way, vegans or vegetarians may actually enjoy what meat eaters are also enjoying.

Now for those who are weight conscious, veggie patties are actually better for weight loss as compared to meat patties. Veggie patties, even though processed, actually still contain less calories than the average processed hamburger patty that one may find in grocery stores. So if one enjoys eating juicy hamburgers and would want to lose weight, then try a vegan burger instead.

Of course if one is after the taste of the burger, then one will actually enjoy eating these things because of the exotic taste. Now there are so many vegetables that may be used in making these things which means more flavors to experiment with. One may even try out those patties that come in Mexican, Spanish, or Asian flavors.

Now just in case one does not know how to prepare or make these kinds of things, then here is a short guide on how to fry these things. In order to cook this with a frying pan, one has to make sure that he has a non stick pan wherein he will put it in under a medium fire. From there, he may cook the patty for around five minutes for each of the sides.

The second option would be to use a microwave in order to cook the patty. In order to use the microwave oven, all one has to do would be to out the piece on a microwave tray, put it in the microwave, and live it there for a max of two minutes. If one does not own a microwave, then he may use an oven instead.

The last method that will be mentioned would actually be the grilling method which is actually the best. Using a charcoal grill will actually produce a really charred taste that can be found in some really good burgers. Now to do this, one just has to put the patty on the grill and cook both of the sides for around five minutes.

Lastly, one would now have to just add some of the extra ingredients inside and the condiments. In order to make the veggie burger taste nice, then one may add some vegetables to it like some coleslaw or tomatoes. Of course condiments may be used as well like mayonnaise, ketchup, or thousand island salad dressing.

So if one loves hamburgers but would want to switch to a healthy lifestyle, then try out some frozen vegetable burgers instead. These things are great for the weight conscious people as well as the health conscious people who do not want to spoil their diets by eating foods that are quite unhealthy. By making these at home, one does not need to go to a fast food restaurant to satisfy some burger cravings anymore.

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