lundi 27 janvier 2014

Advantages Of Therapeutic Sound Project

By Marissa Velazquez

The body is stimulated by different sounds produced by man made objects and nature. The unique process of alternating tones to produce music activates neuronal connections in a way that enhances the performance of the ear, the brain and the entire auditory system. Scientists have been studying the process of sound transfer and how it can be used in therapy. The therapeutic sound project has yielded excellent results.

Audio therapists have reported excellent results from their experiments. This includes better integration of the brain. Therapy allows the brain to comfortably handle sounds of a higher frequency. The new sounds help the brain to establish new pathways which enhance its performance. The nervous system responds through improved performance just like the auditory system.

Audio therapy technology is easy to use. This has made it affordable and accessible to masses as they seek to deal with various conditions. It has been used to improve the hearing ability of aged persons and those suffering from industrial deafness. It also is used to relief tinnitus or the condition characterized by ringing in the ear.

Audio therapists have helped patients to find deep relaxation. This is important for patients who are depressed or suffering from anxiety. One experiences a new sense of well being and vitality after undergoing therapy. This new state of health heightens creativity and improves mental capacity. The patient will feel alive and healthy with a renewed sense of energy.

The energy boost that comes with sound therapy allows a person to better focus on any task. Improved focus has been linked with better performance at work and at a personal level. A relaxed and focused body results in better sleep. The sleep will be beneficial to the body and mind. The process has thus been credited with ending insomnia in a number of patients.

Balance is crucial for anyone interested in a healthy life. This is one of the gifts of therapy that patients can enjoy. It helps them to recover faster from dizziness and vertigo. Improved concentration and better learning ability that come with therapy are beneficial to students. Children can communicate better and concentrate when faced with demanding tasks. Better concentration is a reward in work places, relationships and families. It ensures that there is harmony.

Musicians and vocal artists stand to reap incredible benefits. Their vocal range is improved and they produce better quality sound. The client listens to particular sounds in a portable mini player at low volume. It can be done alongside normal activities or when you go to sleep. It is possible to hear other sounds or perform tasks like watching TV, have conversations, talking on the phone or simply sleeping.

Therapeutic sound project works by alternating constant high and low tone music over a prolonged period of time. The brain benefits by helping us to respond and understand sounds better. The process leads to increased electric activity and blood flow in some areas. It creates a near permanent state of peace.

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