mercredi 10 décembre 2014

The Truth Of A Punk In Being A Part Of A CBGB Band

By Miranda Hawkins

Music is a real language of the soul. What the mind thinks yet the lips could not utter is easily spoken by a song. A song reflects the inside of a person. It is a way of freeing yourself from the hateful angst that everyone usually encounters.

In the year 1973, a music club opened its doors to welcome music lovers and bands. Young and old are all hailed to make themselves a part of the fun. When the club was opened, a lot of groups have gathered inside it to witness their favorite bands sing their finest songs. There are already a massive number of groups that wants to be a part of becoming a CBGB band.

The club have its meaning. CBGB means country, bluegrass and blues, but as time passed by, punk and new wave bands had invaded the place. Teens and adults have all marveled in their wondrous hearts to scream out their passion. It makes a listener rock their heads and howls for more music. Their kind of music marks a special place in their hearts because it speaks of a thousand words.

The bands all look punk because it is their way in perceiving themselves. Their song speaks of themselves too. Being a punk is very unlikely to some ordinary folks but they do not know what those kids can do.

These bands only follow what is rightful and just. Though some people observe them as practicing devilish acts yet it is absolutely a lie. They never do such ways because they are moral people. They believe in what is right and what is wrong.

A punk band have their unique lifestyle which is weird to some. They resist in tyranny and believe that everyone has their freedom to become who they are and to believe in what they want to believe. Though their songs are somehow connected to rebellions and anarchy, they still believe that expressing the desire of their heart is one way towards freedom. It is important for them to build friendship to the same kind of people because those are the groups who knows and understand their lives and their stories.

Punks live a normal life too which is somehow opposite to how they look. They cook their own meals, wash their soiled clothes and earn for a living. They do house chores the same as what usual folks do. They want their lives to be a success too.

The bands will then be perceived as punk because of their manner too. The way they dress talks about their emotions. It is through their clothing and music that talks about what they love by heart. Dressing dark do not necessarily mean that they are evil people. They just love to be who they are.

Such groups are cool. Teens usually love them because their songs are reflected to a lot of stories in today. Every punk band knows their limits and they only do what is right and just. They often exhibit their love more than how others show it. The lyrics of their songs talk about not just to themselves but also to the experiences of some people.

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