jeudi 18 décembre 2014

The Importance Of A Gay Guide To Fabulous Living

By Lucia Weeks

Being a gay is sometimes a personal choice or an influence from people that surrounds you. You cannot choose your sexuality, but you can control and behave according to your sexuality. Actually, there are people who fear themselves in coming out, since they have heard violent threats and even negative statements against others.

But, always remember that no one is forcing you to come out, especially if you fee unsafe to expose the truth that you are a gay. Instead, stay away from the place and attend to support groups that can help you cope with your sexuality and live in a more liberal world where you can express yourself. This would be a good start for you and to consider a gay guide to fabulous living.

Actually, there would be times that you hate what you are. However, if you explore the real world, make some friends and people who can accept who you area, then you will also learn to accept yourself and life would not that hard as it seems. You cannot change your sexuality, that is a fact and you cannot opt for it. It is the nature that has made you.

You have only to live once, so you should also give your best to live life to the fullest. Yes, there are challenges, opportunities and skills that you need to make the most of it. Thus, you need to live your life as if it is the last. Do not follow the step of others who did not give themselves a chance to live life and just commit suicide.

Suicide will always be permanent, while problems are temporary. So, instead of killing yourself during your down turns, better make your life worthwhile. You have the freedom to choose what life lies ahead of you. You will be the one to decide whether to feel happy or to feel bad all the time.

This would be your chance to overcome all hardships and to become brave to face all challenges. You are not the one who choose to that way. So, love yourself. Hating may only cause bitterness and even hatred. Of course, no one wants to be like that forever. So, try to learn to accept everything and you can tell yourself that you are already free from hatred and bitterness.

If you have already accepted that you have done nothing wrong, you are also entitled to be happy and satisfied for what was given to you. You can be able to help other people to believe and catch you sexuality.

Accepting your sexuality makes it sounds like that you have defeated something and someone who turned you down. It is better to celebrate the character traits that life has given you. Acceptance also means liberation.

But before it happens you tend to avoid those things and try to reject your feelings and desires even you feel conscious about yourself. Once you have accepted who you really are, you will also feel a huge relief and happy with your life. You ca now help others to catch up and accept you as well. Before the society accepts you, you will be the first one to accept your own.

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