mercredi 31 décembre 2014

Different Methods Of Psychic Readings

By Stacey Burt

In most every city, there is at least one psychic, or fortune teller. Psychic readings can be fun and informative whether working out of a house, an office, over the phone, online, at a carnival, festival or in a city entertainment district. When seeking out any occultist or spiritualist for such advice, it is important to know the difference between a true professional and those committing fraud.

After locating an establishment, draw up a written agreement between the owner(s)/operator(s) of the establishment and festival or faire organizers. Generally, if an individual works on private property, one can be exempt from the high cost of booth and festival fees, especially if all one needs to provide the service is a window sill, or can do so inside the venue.

Fraudulent individuals often identify oneself as a psychic, then work as one offering readings and resolutions, for which there is often a hefty charge. Hefty charges for resolutions to any problem, should always be red flag. After all, psychics are here to help people, not break the bank.

In areas like New Orleans, Austin, and other areas with entertainment districts, readers often set up spaces either with a blanket and incense, or tables and chairs. Depending on the client, an individual may offer tea, or other food and drink to break the ice.

The other items any psychic may want to have on hand, both for decoration and use are a crystal ball, incense, a candle (if allowed, otherwise a flashlight that resembles a candle from a distance will work nicely, ) especially when working at night. And, above all else, a bottle of water and enough food and other drinks for the duration of the event.

When it comes to deciding which deck(s) or tool(s) to use for a reading, it is important that the reader have a connection with the imagery and meaning of the cards. For example, someone providing readings at a Pagan or Wiccan festival may want to use a deck like the "Goddess Oracle, " by Hrano Janto, while Buddhists may want to use the "Buddha Tarot, " which came out a few years ago.

Also, when providing services to private parties, or other special events, it is good to work directly with the organizers. In dong so, the organizer can help set up a space, and provide any information on specific requests as far as which psychic tools, and type readings are preferred. Organizers can at times request tarot readers use traditional playing cards which is often the case when an event is being sponsored by a church, or other spiritual organization.

When working an event, it is imperative that readers remember one is there to work, not play. Although, if the organizers invite a reader to join in the festivities, then it is often good to do so. Otherwise, it is best to keep business separate from social affairs, when and where possible at any rate.

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