mardi 9 décembre 2014

Basic Overview Of The Igbo Culture

By Claudine Hodges

The main occupation of Igbo - manual shifting cultivation (yam, cassava, maize, vegetables, etc., In areas of Onitsha and Owerri and rice). Basic tools - hoe and several kinds of knives. In southern main crop is oil palm (mainly export oil exported from the region of Owerri). Advanced logging, the most valuable of its rocks are exported. Igbos are also involved in fishing, trade, collecting wild fruits breadfruit and other trees, berries, herbs and plants (Igbo culture).

By the mid-20th century in Igbos develop a strong sense of national identity. Some conflicts with other Nigerian nationalities led to fact that Igbos became the dominant ethnic group in eastern Nigeria vyshedschey from Nigeria to establish an independent state of Biafra, which led to Civil War in Nigeria (July 6, 1967 - January 15, 1970). With the defeat of Igbos Republic of Biafra was absorbed by Nigeria. Sectarian organizations continue to nonviolent struggle for an independent state Igbos.

Among the representatives of Igbos - many well-known politicians in Nigeria, as well as British writer, sailor and fighter for the abolition of slave Olaudah Ekiano. In 1970s, on the basis of linguistic and cultural data was felt that neighborhood Owerri, Auca, Udi, Eagle is the "Heart Igbos ."

The art Igbos (z. B. Large clay figures of shrines and altars as well as figurative and abstract masks) is usually in a religious context. 1938 and 1964 were discovered (in Igbos -Ukwu) numerous bronze tools and the grave chamber of very important person in north of Igbos area. The ornate, carved excellent bronzes are cast using the lost wax. If the date is the 9th / 10th Century's right, it is the oldest example of processing of copper and its alloys in West Africa.

Kwa group of people migrated to south of this merger. Of them came peoples ygala, ydoma, Yoruba and Igbos . Kwa-people settled in northern part of Central Rise (Nsukka-Auca-Eagle) about 5000 years BC. E. Igbos consisted of highly disparate and politically independent communities. Before acquaintance with the Europeans and close contacts with neighboring ethnic groups Igbos had a clear identity as a distinct people.

Traditional clothing: men - over a shirt wide spacious cape, women wear jackets and skirt is a piece of cloth around the hips. Distributed as Western-style clothes, especially in urban areas. The main food plant - yams, cassava, corn (porridge, stew), various vegetables. Eating fish also. Cooking oil used oil palm, spicy seasonings. There are still many Igbos folklore festivals, and almost all genres of folklore. Arts and Crafts presents a variety of masks (abstract, anthropomorphic, masks helmets), totem poles ikeng, clay and wood sculpture.

Through the activities of missionaries in XIX century Igbos converted to Christianity. Continue to play a role traditional beliefs. Known secret societies: Mmvo (MTO), Ekpe. Ekumeku Society in 1898 - 1911 years resisted the establishment of British colonial administration in region. Igbos Jews - a small part of Nigerian Igbos nation that claims to Jewish roots and professing Judaism. Igbos Jews consider themselves descendants of North African (probably Egyptian) Jews who migrated to west of Africa. Tradition Igbos Jews say that this migration occurred about 1500 years ago.

Ethnogenesis Igbos has not been studied. There are various hypotheses about their origins. Some authors argue That Igbos ancestors came from Egypt. Ethnogenetic legends suggest of old economic and cultural ties with the Yoruba Igbos, Ibibio, beanies, Igalo and others.

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