mercredi 24 décembre 2014

Overview Of Aluminum Wall Sculpture

By Olivia Rodriguez

The sculptures is one of fine arts. Unlike paint, which creates a plan -a fictional space of two dimensions-, sculptures does a flat or three-dimensional relief exempt, using real space. The sculptor acts on different materials transformed by carving and modeling processes, which are traditional methods (aluminum wall sculpture).

Using different combinations of materials and media has created a new artistic repertoire includes processes such as assembly and constructivism. In a generic sense, the term plastic sculptures artwork made by sculptor. Since ancient times, man has had the need to carve. At first he did with the simplest materials and had to hand: the stone, clay and wood; then use iron, bronze, lead, wax, plaster, clay, polyester resin and plastics reinforced fiberglass, concrete, kinetic and light reflection, among other.

The 'Greek sculptures reached a high degree of perfection, quality driven came looking for a better expression of beauty of human figure; even established a canon with proportions considered "perfect." Unfortunately, the Charioteer of Delphi, the pair of Riace bronzes together with the Artemision Bronze part of few Greek sculptures in bronze preserved complete. One of most significant artists of classical period was Praxiteles, author of Hermes and the Infant Dionysus. During the Hellenistic period observed in creation of sculptures there is a clear intention to intensify the movement and accentuate the emotions, as you can see the sculptures of Laocoon and His Sons.

The first manifestations sculptures dating back to Paleolithic, when the man cut all the flint percudint it against another stone; subsequently used engraving and stone relief and animal bones. 27,000 and 32,000 years ago are represented in a lush female stone human figures, in exaltation fertility; are the "prehistoric Venus" as the Venus of Willendorf and the Venus of Lespugue. During the Magdalenian period were used sticks and boosters with ornamental motifs. In Upper Paleolithic, the examples are more abundant carvings or engravings objects that evolved from a more primitive stage, decorations schematic, reaching figures representing adapted to structure of bone .

Notably commemorative sculptures such as the Column of Trajan (114), which narrates several battles in a continuous spiral that covers the entire surface of column, or the Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius.

The process of making the work first in clay and then emptied the bronze was known to ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, and a system that is currently in XXI century, is still used. From century BC, in last period of iron Age Celts developed the La Tene culture, spreading it throughout Europe; represented an evolution of art of Hallstatt culture.

The decoration of all their belongings, swords, shields, tiaras and brooches you can understand the reasons for animals, plants and human figures. From the first century BC minted coins following the Hellenic models, as well as figurative works Bouray of God, made in embossed copper plate. In Mesopotamia, due to scarcity of stone, the sculptures was made primarily with clay; excavations at Ur (4000 BC) have been numerous small statues of this material. The Sumerians developed and spread to other civilizations use of brick, which then sculpted and enameled relief. Some good examples are representative that adorn palaces and burial surfaces Persian palace of Persepolis and the Frieze of Archers, glazed brick work that is in Royal Palace of Susa (404-359 BC).

The Romanesque sculptures (XI-XIII) was service architecture; Many examples are to be found around the major pilgrimage routes such as the Way of Saint James. The sculptors tried various parts of churches -timpans, capitals and covers stories on topics biblics- with great realism . The Christ Pantocrator and the Judgement were the most iconographic themes represented.

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