dimanche 21 décembre 2014

The Ghostbusters & Potential Of A Collections Agency

By Bob Oliver

When it comes to horror movies, I'd like to think I have a relatively broad palate. The marathon has seen just about anything from slasher films to those which are more comedic by the comparison. In terms of the latter, you can be certain that the first "Ghostbusters" film was on my radar and I watched through it recently. After watching it, though, I have to wonder if a collections agency would prove useful for such a supernatural line of work that one can think of.

You may not have thought about the usefulness of this line of work before but keep in mind that agencies focused on debt collection are especially known for their versatility. From what I have seen, they are able to work in a number of ways, whether it comes to aiding in student loans being attained or what have you. Is it possible, then, that the Ghostbusters could make use of a collections agency? Since this is a business we are talking about, it isn't totally out of the question.

The first job of the Ghostbusters also came as the first instance of how important it was for the group to become paid. They were employed by the owner of the Sedgewick Hotel in order to take care of a supernatural threat that has been nothing short of a hindrance for both staff and guests alike. The threat in question was contained but the owner, shocked at the price for the service done, refused to pay. The Ghostbusters soon threatened to let the ghost back out, which quickly prompted payment, as you could imagine.

The Ghostbusters, during the course of the film, have been looked down upon time and time again. Keep in mind that this isn't by the general public, since they are served by this particular group and look at the group in question as a band of heroes. Those in positions of power, though, could not be any less welcoming of the business that has brought down supposed supernatural threats. Only when various spirits made themselves known in great ways were authoritative figures ready to believe in the work done.

Any small business is going to want to focus on the work that is done on a regular basis, which goes without saying. With such an element comes the idea of finances, though, and I'd like to think that a collections agency could come into play in this realm. It's amazing the kinds of things that you think about when you go back and watch movies you haven't seen in a while. The Ghostbusters may be looked at different from when you were a child to your adult life.

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