jeudi 7 août 2014

The Importance Of Wearing Safety Glasses

By Annabelle Holman

Every type of work requires processes that can prove to be harmful. Safety glasses are important, whether you are working on a construction site or in the office. What this means is that at all cost, some kind of protection is needed so that at the end of the day you can go home and not rush to the hospital.

The use of protective glasses could have saved thousand of people from experiencing eye injuries. These glasses were developed to protect and protect the worker from harmful incidents. Workers who come into contact with different types of airborne particles in their workplace should always take this safety measure.

These particles can be sawdust at the mill, bits of metal at a construction site, sparks from welding and corrosive chemicals during a task at the lab and the list goes on. There are even cases of accidents caused by flying objects. So if next time you ask your colleague to throw something to you, make sure you have your glasses on just in case.

The outcome of an accident can vary from temporary to permanent blindness in one or both eyes. The injuries can be mild ones, like light scratching of the lenses to aggravated deterioration of the layer of the eye. Working in a lab has its own high risks. An accident involving chemicals can only lead to a worst case scenario injury.

Improper or poor protection causes the accidents in many cases. So it is not only important to use protection, but to know which is the right one. The right protective spectacles can save your sight since it is estimated that 20% of work accidents lead to vision impairments, meaning you can lose your sight temporarily or permanently.

When somebody accepts a job, he/she knows about the implied risks he/she is taking on. This is particularly so if the worker comes with years of experience. This doesn't mean you can take it lightly thinking "I always do my job correctly and safely", so why now. This won't make you immune to mistakes made by colleagues.

Nowadays there is literally no office existing without at least an individual spending long hours behind the computer. Since their introduction the negative effects of it were debated and still are. One of the focal points of the debate is the long term ramification of staring at screen for longer hours. This is why many people choose to wear glasses that use a special filter to reduce the light intensity.

Since every job comes a different kind of risk, there are unique protective gears that prevents all kinds of accident. Welding is a hard and very dangerous job where a simple glass is not enough, so these glasses have been integrated in a shield to make those who wear it even safer. For somebody that wears prescription glasses, special protective gear was created which combines both the prescription and protective ones.

In conclusion, the range of protective gear's usefulness has been discussed extensively in this article. A spectacle with extra safety features is a necessary and even life saving item that can be worn in almost any workplace. You should take note that because blindness can be the outcome of a usual day at work there is no reason to take risks.

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