mardi 19 août 2014

Finding The Latest Crime Novels

By Deanne Shepard

Books with mystery and suspense are enjoyed by many readers. Today finding such books is easy and a simple internet search reveals all the latest crime novels. In this way, readers can see exactly what has been written most recently by the favorite authors. While browsing, they often come across other books that appeal to them as well.

Looking for what has been released by a favourite author is easy. Many sites for readers have a crime fiction section but there are also sites devoted entirely to this genre. On such a site, authors may be listed and just clicking on the name will immediately bring up all their recent books. There may even be a section devoted to upcoming releases and readers are able to see exactly when the next book by their favorite author is to be released and place an order.

You may be disappointed to discover that your favorite author has not written anything new. However, this may be a good opportunity to find some new authors. Some sites will even offer a list of other authors you might enjoy based on your selection of author. For example, if you enjoy reading forensic thrillers written by Kathy Reichs, you may enjoy the same type of books written by Patricia Cornwell.

Perhaps readers want to select authors they have never read before but do not know how to go about this as there are so many of them. This is where lists of best sellers may come in handy. It is always helpful to know what other people are enjoying. Covers are displayed and this is what first catches the eye. Once a particular book is selected, it is possible to read an extract. This is often the quickest way to find out whether the content is appealing or not.

Featured books are often hand-picked and reviewed by in-house editors. These editors often have experience and expertise. However, reviews by other other customers can be helpful when it comes to trying out new authors. The excitement of another reader about a specific book may just the encouragement needed to try reading something new. Some of these websites devoted to the genre are more community based and allow participants to discuss the books they have read.

Sites that are dedicated to crime fiction often have interesting articles to read related to the genre. These may offer interesting facts about authors or interviews with them that reveal more about their writing process and the characters in their books. Articles may feature all the most recent releases with interesting comments about them.

The prices of books depend upon the format. Hard covered books are the most expensive, followed by paperbacks. Today it is also possible to download e-books for reading on e-readers like the Kindle. These versions are much more affordable.

There are many websites where lovers of crime can find new books to read, check out what has been released most recently and learn more about a favorite author. They may even have the opportunity to post on forums and discuss books with fellow fans of the genre. There are also discounts and special deals on offer at many of these online stores.

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