lundi 25 août 2014

The Complex Appeal Of Crime Fiction Books

By Deanne Shepard

Why is it that a certain genre has such appeal that it always appears on best seller lists? The reason for the popularity of crime fiction books has been pondered over for years. Some attribute this to the vicarious exposure to mystery and suspense. Others propose that the fact that justice prevails is appealing in a world where this often does not happen. Whatever the reason, the fact is undeniable. People love these novels.

It is true that these novels have a way of catching the attention of the reader and keeping it all the way through as nuggets of information come to light. The story is usually driven by a murder and the desire to find the perpetrator. The reader is drawn in to solving the mystery too and participates in the suspense as it unfolds towards a conclusion.

As readers, we are often privy to how the mind of the killer works from an early stage. This is often the hook of a psychological thriller. We are drawn into their world and begin to understand their motives and what drives them, however twisted this might be.

The person who is going after the killer, is often well portrayed by the author. A depth of character is revealed, flaws and all and we can relate as the individual doggedly goes about finding the perpetrator despite his or her own personal problems. We experience the process of discovery as the protagonist experiences it and sometimes even try to jump ahead and reach a conclusion first.

The settings of these novels vary greatly. They may be set in various periods of history such as medieval times or even in the future. They are set in every country of the world, from Russia to Africa. The setting in which the action takes place may be described intimately and often forms part of the appeal.

In these novels the villain either gets caught or suffers the consequences of his or her behavior. It gives readers a sense of resolution and the reassurance that evil is punished and justice is upheld. Too often in the real world this does not happen and the guilty go unpunished.

From the classic whodunit to gruesome modern thrillers, there is something to appeal to every taste. There are those who enjoy solving a puzzle and unraveling a mystery without too much exposure to violence. Others enjoy the thrill of feeling exposed to all the action although they are not actually in any danger. They even experience the adrenaline rush that usually comes when exposed to real danger.

The same themes have intrigued humans for centuries and this type of novel offers a vehicle for vicarious exploration of many of these themes and emotions. Whatever the reason for reading such novels, the fact remains that they are a very popular form of fiction today. They are widely available and can be purchased from many sources, including online stores where reviews can be read before deciding what to purchase.

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