mercredi 13 août 2014

Listening To Raunchy Music Can Be Interesting

By Tanisha Berg

New and old singers are always looking for a way to please their loyal fans. They know that these human beings fully enjoy raunchy music on a daily basis. Americans cannot get enough dirty talk that is given through lyrics over the radio. Sheena Easton had a good career some years ago when she started to add a little smut to her songs. Lil' Kim, Snoop Dogg, Rihanna, Britney Spears and Eminem have always spoken dirty words while making all of their recordings.

Everyone living within the United States loves Snoop Dogg and when he recorded the song "Lay Low" his fans went wild. They had never heard such a daring tune which talked about women doing very nasty things towards males. One line in the tune suggested that the female perform a certain act on the male's private area. Parents all around did not like this verse and they protested the record for months. Radio stations had to cut out certain parts of this tune when they played it over the air.

Years ago Eminem recorded a tune called "Slim Shady" which degraded gay people in the worst way possible. This singer showed the world that he detested homosexuals and thought very little about them. Many gay groups in society boycotted his concerts and did not purchase any of his recordings.

On many occasions Eminem has told everybody that he does not hate anyone and his heart is filled with love. Unfortunately this particular group does not believe him and they try to avoid anything connected to this singer. Elton John tried to build a bridge between the gay community and Eminem but it failed. Rihanna does not have a problem with gay people and she creates music that they like. Her hit tune "So Hard" was popular in the gay clubs.

The lyrics are very sexual and any male would be embarrassed to sing this recording. Chris Brown was Rihanna's boyfriend at one point in time and the recording is obviously about him. This is one girl that is not afraid to chat about her sexual experiences which are past or present.

Britney Spears shocked quite a few people when she made a video called "Hit Me Baby One More Time." During this film the young singer was dancing around in a school girl's outfit. She was also singing with a group of young women who seem to have very little morals. The public purchased this song immediately and it made Ms. Spears an instant star.

If anyone lived during the 1980's then they certainly would remember the very petite singer named Sheena Easton. She is a Scottish lass who really stole the hearts of all Americans. After singing "For Your Eyes Only and "Morning Train" Ms. Easton decided to get a little tougher. This is when she decided to record the song "Sugar Walls." Anyone with common sense knew that this tune referred to her private area.

Lil' Kim has always been a perverted entertainer who likes to show off her body to every man within this world. She recorded "The Jump Off" some time ago and her fans really loved this tune. Kim talked about putting all types of large objects in her mouth while recording this song. As usual she was half dressed during the filming of the video.

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