mardi 12 août 2014

Knowing About The Latest News On Funny Celebrity Gossip

By Linda Ruiz

Sometimes people working within the entertainment industry can be just as silly as the average working class person. People are always looking for the latest news on funny celebrity gossip to make their day. There are certain entertainers who cannot stay out of the spotlight and they are always getting into trouble.

There are quite a few of these people who make the headlines each and every day of the week. Entertainers like Eddie Murphy, David Letterman, Joan Rivers, Seth MacFarlane, Kirstie Allen, Jay-Z and Miley Cyrus are always shown on the evening entertainment programs.

A CNN anchor was very surprised when Joan decided to end a television interview in a short matter of time. This elderly lady did not like the questions that were being asked therefore she stood up and left the stage. Joan has been hurling insults at a variety of people for decades and no human being had ever punished her for this crime.

Later on Joan made an appearance on "Late Night With David Letterman" in New York City. David knew about the stunt that she pulled on CNN and decided to teach her a lesson. During their interview David excused himself and walked off the stage. He thought that this was quite hilarious once the segment had ended.

Mr. Letterman has often ended up in many tabloid papers around the world. In the past many media stations reported about his hilarious affairs with young interns on staff. This comedian was also blackmailed by a production worker who was very money hungry. These events leaked to the press and everyone around was laughing about this particular scandal.

Unfortunately Eddie Murphy has had a bad run of luck with many of his past relationships. Eddie has not had a hit movie in years and his fans do not like his type of humor anymore. The only thing that they find funny is his taste in women. Even though Murphy dislikes gay people he is still attracted to males who like to put on female garments. Eddie Murphy also enjoys sleeping with women who are almost half his age.

Another female entertainer named Kirstie Alley will not speak to anyone who is against Scientology. She ended her friendship with a male dancer because of his attitude towards this religion. Ms. Alley is one woman who will always make fun of herself but she does not want anyone to disrespect her religious beliefs. The dancer has accepted her the fact that their friendship has come to an end and he is now dating Jennifer Lopez. Ms. Lopez and her followers are not fans of Scientology.

Seth MacFarlane was kind enough to sing "We Saw Your Boobs" to all of the actresses who attended the Academy Awards. This song was dedicated to every beautiful female star who enjoyed showing their breasts to the fans and everyone else whenever they made a movie.

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