dimanche 15 juin 2014

The Concept Behind Wearing Christian Sports Apparel

By Kenya Campos

Faith is actually a very important part of ones being. Like culture, it plays a great role in the development of ones personality. As you can see, all almost all the aspects of human personality and actions are deeply affected by the faith they hold. It is as if it alone consists their whole life especially those who are very faithful.

With this, you can see an application of it in the trend of norms, daily living, and lifestyle. So this means that it is not only confined to the practice of religion. You can also see it incorporated in various activities such as in entertainment, at school, in the government, and even in sports. Speaking of this, you will see various symbols of faith in many realms such as the Christian sports apparel.

This is actually a dynamic and true show of the attachment of Christians to their religion. The printing of various signs and symbols of Christianity to things and clothing is actually a very outward sign of the proclamation of their faith. Aside from that, it is done publicly which makes it a lot more recognizable to all the people. Through it, they are like spreading the message of Jesus.

If you take a look at it, the very action of embedding the aspects of their belief to things such as home decorations, sports attires, clothings, and many more is very much touching. In other words, it is like saying to the whole world that they belong only to Christ. So to say, such is the purpose of incorporating symbols of the Christian faith to various things.

Aside from that, this engagement also have other objectives. Another one is to partake of the mission to evangelize and draw other people to their religion. Basically, Christians are not forceful in converting people who are non believers. What they commonly do is preach by action. Though they also conduct counselling, they do not enforce their concepts.

Instead, they do things little by little. One of which is by bringing others to Christ by showing them the beauty of their religion and letting them partake of the activities which are part of the Christian tradition. But in showing the world publicly, they unify themselves with their attires such as with the sports attire containing words from the Bible as well as symbols.

There was a father and a son in Virginia who initiated the religious sports apparel. These two are very much committed to their belief. That is why they searched for a way to proclaim it and they found their passion for sports to be the most suitable way. Since they are successful in their field, they have become popular.

So they took the situation to their advantage. In order to carry out their duty to their faith, they decided to preach with their actions and apparel other than talking. Soon after, more Christian players partook of the engagement and they are able to form an army and make the wearing of the attire a trend in their field.

The main aim of the engagement is to inspire all believers to take pride in their faith. With this, many Christians became bold and they made it a point to incorporate their faith in their daily living. Due to this, the Christians formed a strong bond that united them all.

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