dimanche 15 juin 2014

Alexander Koleszar Artist Is A Worldwide Renaissance Man

By Kenya Campos

He is an artist who grew up in Michigan at Birmingham . His passion and talent for painting was seen while he was still young. Immediately he had completed almost 30 canvases, his painting was exhibited at a city hall in Michigan by then he was in his seventh grade. But like usual children can be cruel, Alexander Koleszar was taunted because of his creativity which made him begin to mask his talent in painting. He hoped that it would help him avoid more negative attention.

Twenty years later, he went through one of the most challenging moments in his life. There was an AIDS epidemic where he witnessed a number of his friends get infected and die. While going through the trauma he decided to rededicate himself again to his work as an artist. This decision was one of the steps to emotional and physical recovery.

When he returned back to his arts works, he majored on paintings that reflected the AIDS pandemic that had taken away the lives of his dear ones. His arts attracted a museum and sales gallery in Los Angeles. They bought one of the paintings which they entitled returning home. The painting was among the best two paintings that were picked that year for exhibition.

Despite the fact that he was gaining recognition in his talent and works, in 1994 he decided to ground himself in drawing techniques and classical painting. To become successful in this field he suspended his works in art and began to study classical painting.

It did not take long for Alex build himself in the new field. In fact by the year 1996 he was already receiving invitations to participate in shows. He quickly became popular that people nick named him the new emerging artist in a Biennale show.

Biennale acted as a stepping stone for great opportunities. After the show it was all over that a new talented artist had emerged. People traveled from every part of Europe and US to buy his paintings. They were a real fusion of realism and surrealism.

All the works of Koleszar evidenced his passion for his work and his commitment to deal with critical issues in the society. All his works referenced vital issues in the community such as wars that took place during Bush Administration and Enron scandals. Some of the art work addressed addiction and recovery of West Hollywood community. He helped solve critical issues in the society indirectly through exposing them in his paintings.

Alexander is a great renaissance man. He did not only major in art but also had passion for politics and natural sciences. He integrated his ideas and world into beautiful, controversial, deep thoughts in works of art. After a few years one of the partners in Scott died. This was a very painful and dark moment for Alex because he had worked with the guy for 26 years. He decided to ground himself in his passion for painting and art. He moved to Palm Springs in California to avoid distractions and traumas he had gone through in the past.

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