mercredi 11 juin 2014

Choosing The Best Jazz Guitar Amplifiers

By Kenya Campos

When it comes to guitar players, there is no one-size fits-all solution for choosing amplifiers. This includes rock and jazz guitar amplifiers. The amp that a heavy metal guitar player would use is different from the jazz. Guitar players have unique sounds that they prefer as well as its application.

The venue and type of music determines the type of amp that will work. There are various brand names and styles that make specific sounds that fit particular categories of music. Whether it be a country barn opry, a heavy metal pit, or a soothing night of jazz and blues, the amp used will make a load of difference.

Buying the first amp you see is a bad idea, and when it comes down to performance and satisfaction, it will be a fail. There are many amplifiers that doing something unique from one another, and various manufacturers using different brands, technology, and layout. Familiarizing oneself with these distinguishable qualities will provide a great deal of knowledge in choosing the right amp.

The wattage produced by the amplifier is what rates the amps used. Low watt tubes are decent models for the aspiring musician. Tubes focus on harmonic quality more than the power. The higher the watts, the more powerful the speakers are. More watts equal more speakers.

The solid and tube amps are quite different. Tube amps are more expensive than solid states, and the tube amps are studio quality. Solid amps use transistors to produce sound amplification. There are various solid state amps that try to reproduce the sound of tube amps, but most of them do not meet the standards.

Micro amps and practice amps are about the same. They only push about 10-50 watts. These amps are not much good. Most of them are only good for practicing. Due to their size, micro amps are typically solid state amps.

The 1x12 amp uses a 12 inch speaker that can be deemed suitable for small gigs. They are useful for practice as well. They do not meet the bar to be useful in a large venue, but they can be hooked to large Pas via mi or line-out jacks. The tube 1x12 amps are very nice.

The 2x12 amp is ideal for small to mid-sized music venues, practice areas, and studios. The heavy cabinets work for many types of music. When browsing, do not get an amplifier confused with a head. The heads lack the speakers, but have everything else an amplifier has. The various heads can be hooked on a number or stack of speakers with varying outputs. A head can push up to 400 watts between speakers.

Cabinets can hold 4-6 12 inch speakers or a configuration of 4x12s and multiple small speakers; these are called half stacks. A cabinet that holds a 200 watt head mounted on the speakers would be ideal for midsized to large venues. A half stack is a cabinet with 4 12 inch speakers, while a full stack is twice the amount. Full stacks are the best for large stadiums and concerts. This gear is used by the pros, and the power of the amps are what separate the hobbyists from the big players.

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