vendredi 27 juin 2014

Facts You May Not Know About Shria Paraashar

By Ina Hunt

The new generation, suffice to say, is a computer generation. People from all walks of life get an even footing in the virtual world of information technology. Social media, for one, allows people to connect with each other and to the rest of the world. It is not surprising to note that most stars have made their way to fame only with the use of these virtual media.

By joining a video sharing website, you can gain access to millions of videos. These clips can be of varying length and could be just about anything. You can find clips that are informative, some can even be procedural, and most are entertaining. Entertainment videos often showcase the extraordinary talent of the people who upload them, and one of these people is the very talented Shria Paraashar.

Shria is an extraordinary mix of so many things. She is a good daughter, a doting sister to her siblings, a supportive friend to her circle of peers, and an extraordinary musician. On top of that she is also into social service and would very much like to connect with all sorts of people in every way she could. She is not only talented, but she is also smart as well.

Since childhood, she has already manifested telltale signs of being musically inclined. As early as a toddler, she happened to see her cousin playing the piano. The particular sight perked up her interest in music. She taught herself to learn how to manipulate the piano keys. Being musically gifted, she had mastered the said instrument, even without professional training.

Shria slowly taught herself. She did not have anyone to teach her, and she played by ear. Her hearing proved to be quite amazing, as she was able to produce astonishing piano pieces on her own. She also developed a love for the classical Hindustani music, so she trained herself in the specific field.

Miss Paraashar is very popular for her piano covers. One of her first video uploads was that of Love Marriage by Paul de Senneville. This video alone got six thousand views, which was quite a feat for a novice uploader. Following the success of her first video, she then made more covers that endeared her more to her doting fans.

Shria also displays versatility in her music. The reason why she is well loved by her viewers is because she never fails to deliver something fresh every single time. Aside from well known melodies and her favorite Indian music, Shria was not afraid to take the risk by exploring Arabian music. Her rendition of Bel Salama earned so many likes from everyone who has watched it.

But, before she rose to fame as a YouTube artist, she also served in the force. She has experienced what it was like to be a soldier for the United States Army. She was then an MOS 68W Health Care Specialist.

Apart from provide quality medical services to injured soldiers and civilians caught in the middle of warfare, Miss Paraashar is also a very smart woman who is a Scholar of the Sciences at a certain university. Truly, she has the brains, the beauty, the talent, and the heart of a star.

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