samedi 28 juin 2014

Aerial Silk, Scarf, Ribbon And Tie Routines

By Sherry Gross

Acrobats and dancers alike use ribbons, scarves, ties and trapezes in a variety of circus and performance art routines. Depending on region, the movement known as often as aerial silk can include use of different equipment which resembles flight. Colorful ribbons, ties and other fabrics are used as if each were a trapeze.

Using aerial routines in circuses has been going on for quite some time. Often known as the "flying trapeze, " it is believed this is the first flying contraption used for aerial entertainment. Safety measures have become more stealth over the years so now the management and production crew are often responsible for creating a safe and sane environment during performances.

Many use dry spray or resin on different body parts to help increase the friction between skin and material. This is something anyone working with flying equipment may want to consider. Whether for friction, safety, or both, resin has always been a staple among acrobats, dancers and performance artists.

Another reason for using a protection against slippage is that the performers often have to climb to the top of the equipment before the beginning of each show. Without the use of dry spray powder or resin, it is more likely the artist will develop calluses. As there is a great deal of grabbing and swinging, the resin or powder is recommended even when gloves are being worn.

When desiring to merely use flight equipment and fabric for aerial exercise and fun, it is easy to set up a home sky gym. Doing so requires strong ceilings and walls but can bring a great about better health, a happier life and more time at home. Once set up, the individual can then decide whether to host others over for an exercise class or keep as a private retreat.

A home gym allows individuals the ability to work out on a more convenient schedule. Whereas, having to drive back and forth from a gym can often take time away from family and fun. Others may want to consider hosting others over to use a home sky gym. Additional uses include a fun place to host a healthy slumber party, or weekly exercise group.

It is important that when hanging any fabrics in which individuals are going to actively use in a performance, that each fabric be attached securely to a base whether that is on hooks bolted to a wall or floor, or suspended from the ceiling or upper levels of the performance arena. Height and weight are also important factors in knowing how and where to place bolts, hooks, or other methods to secure any and all equipment.

Acrobats, dancers, performance artists and others who love to move are most likely going to love aerial equipment. Whether bouncing on a trampoline, swinging on a flying trapeze, or staging poses in mid-air while hanging on and swinging between different types of fabric, aerial arts have existed for quite some time. While trapeze acts are still popular, fabrics are often more colorful and can be used in both large performances such as a Circus as well as one-person shows.

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