samedi 22 février 2014

Wedding Reception Entertainment For Your Special Day

By Marcie Goodman

Choosing the wedding reception entertainment that personalizes your special day can make it very memorable. Everyone has a different opinion on what these activities should be - the personalities of the bridal couple, the venue and the budget should all be taken into consideration when making this decision. It will assist the couple in getting off to a great start in their new life.

Bands are a very popular choice for a reception. The variety of music offered is extensive plus special songs are available for the first dance and other dances on the agenda. Music of sentimental significance to the new couple will make the evening extra special. Bands, though, can be very expensive and some must look to other entertainment due to a more limited budget. They are also limited to one type of music that some of the guests may not prefer.

A disc jockey is a great alternative for those who desire a wide range of music. Some DJs are also very interactive with crowds and get groups on the dance floor to perform line dances and other activities. They are excellent at making special announcements and introducing the bride and groom as well as the remainder of the bridal party. A DJ is a perfect choice for a couple with a limited amount of money to spend on entertainment - a wide price range of DJs are usually available to meet almost any budget figure.

Karaoke is also fun and interactive. Guests can get up and sing their favorite love songs and even children can get involved. This can also be done in combination with a disc jockey so the best of both worlds is available.

Having guests greeted by the boisterous and fast music of a mariachi group can be quite an entrance. When the happy couple arrives, they could serenade them around the room. This will start the evening off on a positive and upbeat note.

Renting a photo booth can provide memories for the bride and groom and mementos for all the attendees. Place the booth where it is easily accessed and allow the guests to take photos with one or several people at a time. Usually the company is able to provide the bridal couple with a photo album of all the pictures that were taken of friends and relatives throughout the evening that they can review on all their future anniversaries.

If the event is on or near a holiday, there are special touches that could be added. Santa Claus at Christmas time, the Easter bunny around Easter and characters or even staff in costume near or on Halloween. Make New Year's Eve especially unique with balloon drops, noisemakers and party hots to add to the excitement and party atmosphere.

Fun and activities for children can also be arranged. Some great activities include balloon artists, magicians, clowns and moon bounces. This will keep them occupied to prevent boredom or misbehavior. A designated area with supervision that is away from the main reception will help keep noise and distractions at bay.

Choosing your wedding reception entertainment is a huge decision. It can make the difference between a memorable and happy occasion and an ordinary cookie-cutter event. Your photographer will be able to capture many happy moments if you choose activities that your guests will love.

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