jeudi 13 février 2014

Choosing An Anime Video Review Show

By Jayne Rutledge

There is lot of Japanese animation out there. It ranges from long running TV shows such as Dragon Ball to films as diverse as Spirited Away, Akira and Ghost in The Shell. Choosing the right one you want to watch can be difficult, particularly if you are relatively new to the genre. Therefore it helps to choose the right anime video review.

This type of video review show is also good for people who are relatively new to the genre. It helps to have someone give an opinion on the various titles that are out there. Some will focus on new releases while others may offer a broader range or focus purely on the classic titles in order to educate people about them.

It is a mistake to categorise Japanese animation as one particular thing. There are numerous conventions associated with the genre. For example they often tend to use dramatic freeze frames or limited movement. In a change from Western animation the dialogue is usually recorded after the animation has been completed and this often adds additional urgency.

However it is wrong to suggest there is one singular anime style. For example the bright and bold colours that characterize the work of Studio Ghibli are completely different from the dark and dystopian style of Akira. In both cases these are seminal works that are often heralded as fine examples of Japanese cinema.

By contrast the work of Hayao Miyasaki is closer to Disney. Each frame is hand painted by the man himself. This creates a world of bright colours and gives it a look that is visually very distinct. However this should not be mistaken for cuteness as films such as Graveyard of the Fireflies and Princess Mononoke also have a fair amount of depth and do not shy away from controversial topics.

This is where a review show can help. They can guide you through the various titles out there and tell you whether or not they enjoyed what they watched as well as telling you about the plots and characters. Even the most advert fan of the genre will struggle to fill their shelves with all the titles out there so it helps to have someone who can discuss the various titles available and which are best for you.

In some cases this may be one single reviewer giving their opinion. Others may involve a round table of experts and each one gives their views. Some may be more comical and poke fun at the genre. A lot of established film review websites will also often have their own dedicated anime sections. What you choose largely depends on your experience of the genre and whether or not you want to know more information or be entertained by the show.

You can find a number of different types of anime video review shows online. It is also worth checking online and using social media to get recommendations from fans to see what shows they would personally recommend. This will make it easier to find one you like and also make it easier to find the shows and films that you are more likely to enjoy in this fascinating and diverse medium.

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