vendredi 14 février 2014

The Very Great Chicago Actors

By Jayne Rutledge

There are many Chicago actors living all over this wonderful planet. These people are very talented and most of them were raised in very poor households. They had to fight their way to the top since many people with money tried to keep them on the bottom. You will also find that these individuals are very down to Earth.

People would wait in line for hours during the 70's just to meet Billy Murray and the other players of "Saturday Night Live." He was always such a very funny man who was born in Illinois. No one on any show could ever be more humorous than Bill and this was a well know fact. His great sense of humor took him very far in the entertainment world.

Jennifer Beals comes from a very mixed background since her mother is Caucasian and her father was black. This young woman struggled all of her life since she had a diverse history. She finally became famous when she starred in a movie named "Flashdance." After the film became successful Ms. Beals went on to other projects.

Harrison Ford is the man that every male wants to become when they grow up. He is very handsome and gives good performances in all of his movies. Harrison's character of Indiana Jones made him an instant celebrity even though he had been acting for many years. This man grew up in poverty and is now one of the richest men in Hollywood.

He will admit to anyone that he faced many challenges in the entertainment world during his youth. Harrison kept his job as a carpenter just in case his movie career failed. It was very lucky that he did not listen to a producer who tried to sabotage his work.

A person who grew up watching Mickey Mouse will certainly know the name of Walt Disney. Mr. Disney gave the world many memorable princess characters that still stand strong in this century. He is the founder of Walt Disney World and his family currently owns ABC television in America.

Jennifer Hudson was always the very fat girl in her neighborhood while growing up within this windy city. After she gained attention from the television show "American Idol" her career quickly accelerated. She has now slimmed down and was a major player in the motion picture "Dream Girls." Her family was murdered by her sister's ex-boyfriend.

The Chicago actors who take center stage may sometimes pay the ultimate price for their fame. United States citizens know that Mr. John Belushi could have been the next Milton Berle because of his rare acting talent. It is a good thing that the world still has performers like Mandy Patinkin, Tom Berenger, Robin Williams and Joe Mantegna. These Illinois performers have overcome their demons and they are still going strong. Sadly the late Michael Clarke Duncan could have been an excellent role model for young men everywhere.

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