lundi 17 février 2014

The Richness Of Chicago Culture

By Jerri Perry

Since the Windy City's earliest days, people from all over the world came to settle here. They brought with them the traditions of their home countries or of towns in other parts of the USA. These all influenced one another over time to create a unique, richly varied Chicago culture, which in turn has influenced the cultural landscape of America.

Music is just one aspect. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra is world renowned but the city's real claim to fame is the way that its musicians have perfected popular music. House music was invented here and jazz, soul, hip hop and indie rock artists hailing from this part of Illinois have influenced the musical landscape of the entire world. For example, rock legends like The Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton would have had a completely different sound if they hadn't listened to and loved Chicago blues.

The blues was a major theme of one of the most popular movies set in the Windy City, 'The Blues Brothers'. This film classic is just one of the many that show off Chicagoan life and architecture. The city has also been the setting for many a hit television show and it was here that Oprah Winfrey filmed the talk show that made her a household name around the world.

The more traditional theatrical pursuits are also thriving in the largest city in Illinois. There are renowned opera, ballet and theater companies that are based here. Slam poetry may have originated in the Uptown neighborhood and the local university was the birthplace of improvisational comedy through the Compass Players, whose past members include stars like Mike Nichols, Alan Alda and Jerry Stiller.

Museums abound in Chicago. You'll find ones dedicated to every aspect of Chicagoan life, from art to science. There is even an International Museum of Surgical Science. Architect Frank Lloyd Wright lived and worked in the Windy City and apart from buildings designed by him, you can visit his home and studio too. There are also several museums that pay homage to the different ethnic communities that have made Chicago their home, from Chinese Americans to Swedish, Irish, Polish, Ukrainian, Italian, Greek and Lithuanian Americans, not to mentions the Native Americans who lived here first.

The city has a rich tradition of fine art and photography. River North is a neighborhood with many galleries where you may view and invest in contemporary art. There is a huge collection of public art in the streets, parks and squares, with Joan Miro, Pablo Picasso, Marc Chagall, Anish Kapoor and Claes Oldenburg just some of the legendary artists whose works are displayed for the public to appreciate.

Chicagoan cuisine is legendary. This was after all the city that gave the world the deep-dish pizza. You haven't had a hot dog until you've had it the way it's served here and everything from cheeseburgers to tamales have a unique Chicagoan flavor. The different ethnic neighborhoods offer a variety of eateries and you'll also find plenty of gourmet restaurants.

When you visit the Windy City, a cultural tour is a good way to find out more about life here. If you can visit during a festival, you'll also get a good idea of what the city is all about. However, the best way to experience Chicago culture is to walk around, visit the clubs and museums and other cultural institutions and let yourself be enchanted.

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