mercredi 19 février 2014

Finding A Bowed Psaltery For Sale

By Krystal Branch

Psalteries are ancient musical instruments with a long history. They began as simple boards with strings attached to pegs and progressed from there to hollow boxes with strings. They are still being used today as they are relatively easy to play and produce the most ethereal sounds. The demand for these instruments has led to a number of craftsmen devoting themselves to their production. If you are looking for a bowed psaltery for sale, it is possible to find one online.

Building one of these unique instruments is a craft combining woodwork with science. The craftsman has to have some knowledge of music so the instrument can be made to produce the best sounds. Woodwork skills are vital for making a quality instrument that is not only comfortable to hold but lasts for many years. Some artistic talent is also required when it comes to factors like the combinations of woods used and the design of the sound hole.

The strings of bowed psalteries run down both sides of its triangular shape. The notes are similar to those on a piano. The natural notes, or white keys, are on one side and the sharps and flats, or black keys, are on the other. One bows each note individually where its string comes to the edge using the special bow made for the instrument.

Handcrafted items often come at a price. Basic instruments are available for beginners that are not as expensive and there are even instructions given on sites on how to make your own. One can first learn how to play on a more basic version and then graduated to one of the truly beautiful more expensive items.

Many different types of wood are used in making these instruments and this can affect the sounds created and how long it lasts. The top has to be light to enable vibrations from the strings to reach the body whereas the frame has to be solid. For example, an instrument may consist of a spruce soundboard with rosewood back and sides.

The strings are attached to hitch pins and the spacing of these pins is very important as it influences the sound. The string then runs across the top over a wood bridge and ends at the base round a tuning pin. This pin is used for tightening and loosening strings. The way the hitch pins are spaced affects the sounds.

Each instrument has a sound hole and its size affects the volume of sound produced. Suppliers usually offer various different design options for decoration of the sound hole. Some of them are also open to customizing instruments in other ways too.

Psalteries are usually sold as a complete package including not only the instrument and the bow but other items like a tuning wrench and rosin for the bow. A music book or sheets of music may be included as well as playing instructions. Take advantage of an offer of a bowed psaltery for sale and grab the opportunity to learn how to play this intriguing instrument.

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