samedi 15 février 2014

Choosing An Abstract Watercolor Painting To Your Home

By Jerri Perry

When it comes to choosing art pieces for your home finding the right ones can be a challenge if you don't know what to look out for. Choosing an abstract watercolor painting to go with the rest of you decor is a great idea as long as you choose the right one. There are several different factors to consider when it comes to finding a painting that will suit your home.

Colors are one of the most important things to look at if you want to find a suitable one. Many different watercolors are very bright and filled with color, but there are still some that are not. Deciding which is right for you depends partly on personal taste and partly on what you already have in the way of design for the room.

Choosing a design can be another difficult task to take on. The range of abstract art is so large that it can be overwhelming at times. It can consist of anything from a couple of paint splatters on a canvas to an intricate display of an assortment of different shapes, or anything else that the artist can come up with. Decide before whether you want the piece to make a statement or have it simply for the aesthetic appeal.

Finding the right one to go with the theme of your home is what it all comes down to. As long as it feels right to you it will work. If you know what you want before you get into it then you will be sure to get what you want coming out of it. Decide on a color plan and the amount of design that you want so that you have the basic concept of what you want.

When it comes to actually purchasing the piece you have several different options to choose from. The most obvious option is to get your artwork directly from the artist. If you decide that you want to see the work up close before making a decision than you should definitely check out some of the local galleries to get a feel for the local artists that are there.

Searching online is another great way of finding some real gems that you may have not been exposed to otherwise. Most artists have their portfolios available on their websites so you can literally search through thousands of paintings from the comfort of your own home. This gives you many more options than you would have had otherwise and greatly increases your chances of finding the right one for you.

Searching through thrift shops is a thankless task that very often amounts to nothing. This doesn't mean that you won't find something spectacular there every once in a while. They may be hidden but finding your painting this way could be significantly cheaper than buying one directly from an artist.

Be sure that the abstract watercolor painting you found will still work well with the room once you get it home. This can be difficult to gauge without actually hanging it in the room, but if that's what it takes then go for it. Most artists will be willing to allow this if it might mean a sale so don't be afraid to ask.

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