mercredi 24 juillet 2013

What You Need To Comprehend About Patterndrafting

By Chelsea Evans

Pattern making involves a complex technique that usually requires one to be highly skilled. An individual has to be in a position to understand designs and also comprehend how to make garments. For dress construction one needs to understand that patterndrafting is the basic step. The whole process will include preparation of patterns using ones individual measurements. With the advancement of technology one can be able to use the computer to draw patterns or do it manually.

The good thing about pattern making is that you can learn to create your own patterns. All you have to do is to do is take a piece of paper and draw a pattern that fits you individually. It also gives the freedom to shape the design of the garment. Once a block pattern is drafted you can transfer the results to a fabric and check the fit. When making any changes you easily transfer them back to your pattern.

For some of the equipments you will require a tape measure for taking measurements. You can also include a friend to help you out with the measuring process. A notebook is also required plus a sharp pencil and an eraser. A meter ruler will be very handy. Do not go for the short rulers as they will not perform effectively. A large sheet of paper, scissors and a flat working surface are very important.

The process of taking measurements is crucial when it comes to dress making. You need to take extra care at this particular point as it will save on lots of cash, time and energy. Before beginning you need to be very truthful to yourself and take the accurate measurements. Taking false measurements will result in the attire not fitting you. White lies during measurements will not be helpful when it comes to the finished garment.

The measuring procedure needs to be taken very seriously. A lot of women invite their friends over and they have drinking parties and they forget that they were conducting this process. They end up in getting the wrong measurements.

Put on your normal clothes when you are taking measurements for the garment. Do not wear clothes that are too bulky as they will alter your natural measurements. What you should do is wear a formfitting top which will help in getting the correct measurements. When taking measurements of your natural waist then it is advised that you take a ribbon and tie around the waist. You should also stand up straight so that your weight can be well distributed.

The part that is most full around the bust area is where you should take your measurements from. The area around the nipple area is the best part to take measurements from. It will be of great assistance if your back is to the mirror. Keep your hands lowered all the time that the measurements are being taken. When it comes to the hip area go for the area where the hips appear fuller.

The appearance of attires largely depends on patterndrafting. Pattern making s one of the earliest foundations in the development of garments. It is a method that has evolved over the past centuries and it has become a very technical process. For more information on this topic conduct an online research.

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