mardi 30 juillet 2013

Everything One Needs To Know About How To Get Started In Acting

By Lela Perkins

It's never too late for someone to get begin an acting career. It's important to learn how to get started in acting in terms of learning the craft and getting known in the industry, to put one on the right path for finding work. Knowing which steps to take and carrying them out is the beginning to becoming a professional actor or actress.

Enrolling in an acting program at a local college or university is a good place to start. Here students will discover all there is to learn about this exciting and multi-faceted discipline and they will also likely participate in several productions. Once formal education is completed, performers can continue to perfect their skills through lessons with an acting coach. It helps to become familiar with many styles of performance as one is then able to play more roles.

Getting some good quality "headshots" is another must for someone who wants to act. There are some photographers who feature this type of work and can provide aspiring performers with a variety of promotional images. Ideally some will be color while others are black and white, and the series will include both informal and formal, close-up and full-body shots. Both digital and print versions should be available, with the latter being brought to auditions along with one's resume.

Developing an organized resume is the next step. It needs to list any productions the performer has appeared in, as well as where they trained and which program they have completed. Lessons and workshops should also be mentioned, as should specific skills such as acrobatics or foreign accents.

It can be helpful to find a good agent as well. Generally it's beneficial to have such a connection as these professionals receive many casting calls each day and help one get more auditions. They have an incentive to find work for every actor they represent because they receive a percentage of the money paid for each role.

Especially when a novice performer is starting out, he or she should welcome any opportunity to gain acting experience. Those small roles which pay little or nothing should not be turned down, as they still count and can lead to bigger and better roles in the future. Examples of these opportunities include appearing in a student film, working as an extra, or doing community theater.

After attending more auditions, a performer will continue to gain the notice of casting directors. Therefore it is important to create a good impressions with these people. Arriving on time, being mannerly, dressing appropriately, and coming prepared are all part of this. It is very beneficial to "network", that is meet others who work in the industry who may be able to help one get auditions. Joining an actor's union is also helpful in this sense.

A performer will not get very far unless he or she possesses patience and is persistent. As one learns what it takes on how to get started in acting, it will become apparent that it generally take time to become known in the field and that much persistence is necessary as rejection is a given. Without continually attending as many auditions as possible, one's career will never be able to get off the ground.

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