lundi 29 juillet 2013

Blues Festival North Carolina Programs Draw Music Lovers Of All Ages

By Maryanne Goff

The Tar Heel state each year showcases its rich musical heritage with Blues Festival North Carolina events. The Piedmont sound associated with the region has produced a special legacy. Legendary native sons Monk and Coltrane and other talents such as Max Roach, George Higgs, Nina Simone, Roberta Flack, Percy Heath and Billy Taylor have also made rich contributions to American music. North Carolina has much to celebrate every year.

The sheer variety of different expressions of regional styles will be on show in the diversity of musical performances. The regional variations have produced a variable mixture. The richness of the offerings will be on display with soul, swamp blues, gospel, surf music and rockabilly included in the mix.

The Piedmont method has been internationally recognized since the Rolling Stones absorbed its sound in the latter part of the 1960s. The rock group informed the mainstream audience about another style beside the one made famous by musicians from the Delta region of the South. This identity of this subgenre is tied to the Appalachians that run through the Carolinas. But its practitioners may hail from regions beyond the geographical area. They may even hail from as far away as Maryland.

The center of this style, since the Great Depression has been Durham. A certain tradition has evolved over the years as musicians were invited to provide entertainment at celebratory events. The result is its temperament is joyful and celebratory. Its sensitivity and delicacy lacks the somberness of the deeper Delta pathos. This style is influenced by a wider repertoire of genres including ragtime, marching bands and country music. The product is a range of musical artistry.

While every musician has brought an individual vision, the fingerpicking style and embrace of other musical influences is shared. The old and new have built a rich legacy for new generations. The depth of local talent and the wide number of musicians who claim to be rooted in this style, there is no shortage of talented players at any venue.

Many of those who come to such events are already familiar with the well known hosts within the state. The major shows take place in a few urban settings, but minor ones are more widely spread out. Online information provides more information about these festivities. From April to October, there is something for everyone.

In May, the Festival Park in Greensboro is the setting for the musical revelry hosted by The Piedmont Blues Preservation Society. The Society also hosts concerts each month providing many opportunities to listen to good music in the city. The Cape Fear in Wilmington, highlights its regional subgenre each third weekend of July. The three day program is chock full of diverse activities to keep attendees in thrall throughout from beginning to end. The Cape Fear Society also sponsors other events to support this musical culture and sustain its endurance.

The grand showcase is the annual Bull Durham show is held in September. Since 1988 its program has offered memorable performances in its festivities. This nationally known musical exhibition continues to be a major draw. The famous show has lived up to its reputation each year and grown its audience as a result. In Raleigh, the Piedmont Council of Traditional Music sponsors many events. In Salisbury, the Rowan Society holds its exhibition of local artists and bands in October. Fortunate listeners will enjoy all the talent on offer during the blues festival North Carolina events.

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