mardi 9 juillet 2013

What To Remember When Making Alterations

By Claudette Lambert

Because clothes are often mass produced, they are also sewn according to standard sizes. While this addresses the demands of the population, it also means that not all people will have something that fits them. It will be necessary to have alterations Toronto so the garment will fit comfortably on you.

When one is making changes to the garment, one should not only be concerned about getting the measurements right. One also has to check how the garment will appear if you change one part of it and leave the rest alone. This can make the garment out of proportion. Always consider the entire look when changes are to be made.

Check the label of the garment to see what kind of fabric has been used. With different fabrics come different qualities. Some materials are more stretchable than others. Some such as silk, can also be a challenge to handle. Once you know what the fabric is, you can choose an appropriate sewing method.

There are a number of items that can come in handy when you are preparing for the project. When you are wearing the garment, pins can make it convenient to mark the new length and other such measurements. There is chalk that can be used to draw lines to make it easier to sew. To get good measurements, you can wear the garment yourself or you can base the numbers on other articles that have a good fit.

You can sew the garment manually but it will be much more convenient if you have a sewing machine with you. It will take some time to get a feel for how this machine operates. Rather than risking one of your clothes, you should practice on old items first. This way, you can minimize mistakes.

In some projects, you might have need of more material. There are some clothes that have extra inches of material on the seams. Check the hems and the sleeves for this. Otherwise, you will have to find the same fabric in stores so that the modification can be done. If you cannot find it, then at least find a material that compliments the fabric.

Some of these issues can be pretty minor so this can easily be done by an individual who knows the basics of sewing. Shortening the length of the pants is one. More complex tasks like altering the shoulders or making the trouser legs thinner require skill. If these are done inappropriately, you may have to buy a new garment.

When you do not have the time or do not want to take on sewing, there are other options. You can find a competent tailor in your community. Consider his reputation and his rates. Check how soon he can start so you can figure out if the garment will be finished in time. Contact a number of tailors so you can compare what they have to offer.

Alterations Toronto will be helpful if a garment you have bought does not properly fit you. You can shorten or narrow down various parts of the clothing. If you do not want to do the sewing yourself, you can search for a good tailor in your area.

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