vendredi 19 juillet 2013

How To Use Mole Traps

By Carmella Watts

Mole traps refer to some structures designed for capturing some dangerous animals. These animals usually are dangerous to agricultural crops. Making these traps does not require much expertise. However, one must through observation learn on how to set the traps up.

The main reason, as to why these traps are set, is to capture these species that are highly detrimental to plants. Some individuals may just capture them and then do away with them by throwing them away. Others however in some places take the opportunity to earn extra income. There are some individuals who usually eat the meat of these animals. As such, the people capturing them have an option of selling them at a good fee, to those people who consume these animals.

The animal in question has very destructive activities. It can destroy plants over a very large scale. Its destructive activities however are not proportional to its size and physical structure. It is a very small animal, almost as small as a rat. Some species have got grey fur, while others have got brown fur. However, all the species are characterized by four small teeth at the front off their mouths, which are responsible for the destruction of the roots. Their tunnels also are created by their small feet which have got long nails.

Identifying their presence for an experienced farmer is one of the simplest activities. The individual only has o identify some crops which have withered at only one place. If their suspicions are the presence of these animals, they may go further to listen to the sounds made by these animals. They usually are loud and clear. The farmers can here the animals gnawing at the roots and digging a tunnel, such that the ground at that particular point even shakes.

Identification of the presence of this pest is among the simplest activities for an experienced individual in the agricultural field. Given that they gnaw at the roots, the affected crops cannot access water and nutrients anymore. As such, they dry up. A farmer would go further to confirm their fears by listening to the very unique sounds produced by the gnawing activities. The traps are then laid in the path of those species, hence trapping them.

The activity of getting hold of these pests has got its own advantages and disadvantages as well. They usually destroy a very large number of crops if not identified earlier. If identified in good time therefore, the farmer can with expertise lay the trap in position, ready to capture the creatures. This ensures high yields in the long run.

However, they may be detrimental to the crops, but very instrumental to the soil structure. As the dig their tunnels along the soil, they normally aerate the soil. This improves the soil structure, and their removal interferes with the aeration. It may also be very stressing to the farmer is the structure fails to work.

Mole traps are considered among the most important structures. This is because without them, people would suffer massive losses. People indulging in farming, have prioritized the learning of this pests and how to trap them.

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