dimanche 4 novembre 2012

X Factor Favourite Can't Forget Dead Brother

By Johnson Brierley

It has been revealed that Jahmene Douglas - many people's favourite to win this year's X-factor competition - is still in mourning over the trajic death of his older brother Daniel, who died three years ago, aged just 23 years old.

An insider close to the family told Heat magazine of how difficult the X-factor experience had been for him without his older brother there to support him. "It's still very sensitive for him and right now all he wants to do is focus on his music and the competition. His family life is complex and he doesn't have contact with his father."

Eustace Douglas is the name of his father, who is currently in jail serving a 15 year sentence for the rape and GBH of his mother, Mandy Thomas. The attack occurred at the family home in Bath in 2003. Jahmene was just 11 years old at the time of the attack.

Jahmene's mother and father had been together for 18 years before the attack took place, but a friend of the family revealed that: "He terrorised the family; his dad was a nasty piece of work. It's no surprise that he has confidence issues".

The bond between Jahmene and his sister, his two brothers and his mother is incredibly strong after all that the family have been through. "I hope I can become an inspiration to those still suffering. Our struggles are what make us stronger". He informed the Sun.

Jahmene is a devout Christian who has found strength in his Christian faith to help get him through the difficult times. Heat magazine was told that: "His faith is incredibly important to him. Losing his brother was a huge reason for why he turned to religion.

Jahmene is no stranger to success, having already been crowned 'Swindon's Got Talent' champion 2010, an accolade which lead to him singing the lead vocals for a special song by the charity Reach Inclusive Arts, which helped to involve disabled people in cultural and creative activities.

Jahmene has stolen the hearts of the judges and viewing public alike, ever since his first nervous performance on the hit talent show just a few weeks ago. And despite (or maybe because of) all the sadness and adversity that has befallen him in his short life, he seems to have a real honesty about him that reaches out to people and maybe, just maybe, will be enough to make him the Britain's Got Talent champion 2012.

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