mercredi 28 novembre 2012

What You Should Know About Frustration

By Kari Ratliff

Frustration is an emotional state that can be described as how you feel and react to something that is blocking your way. The majority of individuals when frustrated, demonstrate how they feel by displaying anger towards the person or thing that is in their way. However, that can make it much more difficult to be open to finding an alternative route to your goal.

One outstanding example of turning obstacles into something positive was witnessed by millions around the world, who watched the 2012 Olympic Games. The many disabled participants clearly demonstrated that by achieving what many able bodied people would consider impossible tasks, they found ways to overcome the physical and emotional obstructions and achieve their goals. There can be little doubt that they took the emotional and physical hurdles and turned many negative experiences into positives.

When you come up against an obstacle you have three choices, give up and walk away, find a way to get over the obstacle, or you can feel sorry for yourself and blame everyone or everything else. Watching toddlers tackle an obstacle you can clearly see from their response the route they are taking. Sometimes the response can be greater than the obstacle warrants.

If you watch babies and toddlers when they want something and cannot get it, they often start to cry. If you give them what they want, they learn from that experience that crying gets what they want. On the other hand if they find their own way of reaching their goal, they are learning in a positive way.

It does not have to be a major catastrophe for you to become frustrated. Say for example you have a friend who is always late meeting you. You can be as irritated and angry as you like, but it will not change the fact he or she is always going to be late. While it can have an impact on how you feel for the remainder of the day, it is unlikely to bother them in the least. You can try telling them to meet you earlier, knowing they will then arrive when you need them to.

The obvious solution in the event of a broken alarm clock would be to purchase a new one, or arrange for a friend to give you a wake-up call. Until you do that, you are likely to experience the same negative reactions every day. It can also affect the quality of your sleep, because you may be waking every so often to check the time.

Occasionally venting your feelings about an obstacle can help you to reassess the situation. However, having a scream is preferable to hitting out at someone or something. Anger and sometimes violence is the downside of coming up against what you may perceive to be an immovable object. If you are consistently coming up against the same obstacle, you need to take stock and find a way to remove the obstacle before it overwhelms your ability to control your reactions.

Failing to overcome obstructions to reach goals, can eventually have an impact on your confidence. The longer it takes to overcome the cause of your frustration and move forward, the bigger the hurdle becomes. It is simpler to address issues as they arise.

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