mardi 6 novembre 2012

Is It difficult to Learn Violin?

By Elke Onon

One very important thing to bear in mind is that the Violin, at the end of the day, is simply just a musical instrument and in-order for you to learn to play it you really do not have to be a concerto violinist. From time to time you see these 4 year old geniuses on YouTube playing instruments like the violin " your child does not have to be a musical genius like these to start to learn the violin.

From experience " to succeed with learning to play the Violin " you need to have a desire to play the instrument and also a teachable spirit to learn and become competent with the basic skills- If you have these qualities you stand a very good chance of succeeding in learning to play the violin. Like anything it will require regular practice.

Realise that this is not a race " you are not competing with anyone " so take your time to master handling and playing the violin. If you are lucky and gifted you may find that this may only take you a few days " but if it takes you longer " don't fret as long as you are enjoying yourself.This tends to apply especially to those wanting to learn from home.

Looking back, 20 + years ago, at what options were available to some wanting to learn to play the violin " this consisted of either " hiring a personal mentor or signing up to classes at a local music school.

Please don't misunderstand me " I am not saying that there is anything wrong with these choices " but I believe that if a person could not go down either of these routes " they should still be able to enjoy learning to play the violin. Today this has been made possible via online Violin courses available on the internet.

You can now sign up for online violin classes from experts in the comfort of your home. Some of these online courses will even let you trial for free part of the course before you have to pay for the rest of the course.

Excellent for a lot of people that just want to learn the instrument form the comfort of their home without stress.

One downside to learning from home is that you will not be able to interact with other students like you who are also learning. However, I know that not everyone is comfortable with the idea that others can hear their practice sessions " so in essence for a lot of beginners they tend to be quite happy learning from home.

Ask yourself this question " will I be happy learning from home? If the answer is yes then by all means sign up to an online course to learn to play the violin. Down the road when you are a bit more confident and perhaps finances and time allow " you can go and enrol in a music school.

Doing it like this will ensure that when you do get into a classroom environment you are ready and capable of coping with whatever pace set by the teacher.

Do your best to buy a couple of excellent books that teach on learning to play the violin. Do not buy sheet music at this point regardless of how tempting it may be " as your primary goal at this point is to be comfortable at handling your violin and building on your technique.

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