vendredi 16 novembre 2012

The Very Strange World Of Novelty T-Shirts

By Dianne Crane

The world is filled with novelty t-shirts that come in all shapes and sizes. They are a new found fashion statement from the past and are very well known to people in the world. People will laugh and cheer at some of the things that these items will display. And after all a good laugh is great for anyone who goes around looking sad all day.

Individuals who take themselves so serious will often find the humor in these writings and they may break their frown by smirking at these displays. Years have past since the first of these designs were placed on the market and college students love them as well as the working adults. People will find that their family and friends will adore the scripts on them.

At the university a male student might notice that the girls are paying more attention to him than usual. The obvious reason is that they are drawn to his delightful garment that has unique writings upon it. But individuals in the working world had better be warned that they cannot wear these garments into a work setting.

Many employers will probably not see the humor in these clothes since most of them will make fun of jobs, people and certain industries. These items are also filled with sexual humor that can be quite graphic at times. Many individuals may consider the humor to be lewd or cruel towards a certain sex.

In these times the items come in different styles for women and men. The ones for men may have writings or cartoon drawings with such figures or statements as the three stooges, a muscle chest illustration, orgasm donor statement and grumpy old man writing. Each of these focus on a quality that fit that particular male's image. Sometimes it may be serious or goofy but each individual has their own personality.

Wearing a three stooges logo represents a man's ability to be silly and not take himself so seriously. It also shows that males like to live life with a bit of danger as the stooges were always doing things to injure themselves and behave reckless. The men who wear one with the muscle chest on them are stating to the world about their masculinity and that when you date them you are getting a real man.

Perhaps the muscles displayed on the item has a deeper meaning for the man who wears it. He is trying to hide his true identity and wants to let people know that he is stronger than others. Many males with real muscles have no need to wear this since they display the real deal. A man who wears clothing that offers orgasms to women is a true comedian or someone who is trying to prove his manhood.

One of the most popular novelty t-shirts is of course the grumpy old men statement since it became famous from the movie of the same name. Older people relate better to the writings on these items since they become more frustrated at youth as time goes by. You will sometimes find younger men wearing these words just for fun. After all is said and done people will continue to display their messages on this item for decades to come.

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