mardi 20 novembre 2012

Tips To Land Acting Jobs For Teenagers

By Dianne Crane

If you are a teenager and looking to break into the show business, then chances are that you will have to seek out acting jobs for teenagers. This is often the first step for a person that is looking to make their big break. While it is nice to have dreams of being in the big block action movie, the truth is you have to crawl before you walk and take a few less than ideal jobs, here are a few tips to help a child along.

Many a great actor had to start at the dreaded commercial. This is a bad place to begin, but odds are that almost every good actor has at least one of these under their belt. Another area that should be looked at is that of voice over work. These two areas are not popular, but it is better than not having anything at all.

Agents are a duel edged sword. They can be looked at as the best thing you have ever done as well as a less than great idea. The key is that you have to be careful in this regard and only select an agent that will give you the best deal for your money. This can save you a lot of time and trouble down the road, if you choose wisely.

Talk to other actors that have got their foot in the door. These are often the way that people can get a chance that they might otherwise have been overlooked for. If you doubt this then talk to some of the people that you know and chances are that at least one of them was able to get into the door using this method. This has been the secret for a number of actors that got their start in movies.

Looking at boards will be a wise decision, as this will give you an idea of the jobs that are out there for people in the acting world. These may not be the ones that you dream of, but the smallest of opportunity could be all you need to make a powerful decision.

Use quality head shots. This is the only way to go if you are seeking out a job that you can take seriously. Many directors will make a decision as to whether or not you will audition for a role based on the head shot. This is your ticket into a directors list of actors or a one way ticket to the trash can.

You will be shocked at the rate that the jobs for you will flow. There are limitless opportunities that open up once you have your first acting job. One leads to two and so on. All you have to do is get that one opportunity for your career.

All of these tips when dealing with acting jobs for teenagers, will help the process go a lot smoother and will not lead to as many doors being slammed in your face as you are attempting to lad that first role. There will be a lot of time and trouble saved just by listening to this one tip.

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