mercredi 28 novembre 2012

How To Start Face Painting Long Island

By Kari Ratliff

If you have a knack for being artistic and are interested in finding a way to share your craft with others along with making a little bit of money you may want to think about face painting Long Island. There are quite a few places where you are likely to be able to apply this unique skill.

Before beginning, you will want to purchase some high quality paint. Always choose paints that are hypoallergenic, choosing low quality or non-hypoallergenic products may cause problems such as staining a person's skin or even allergies among your clients. How much a good set of paints will cost will very depending on various factors such as where their purchase as well as the brand names you choose.

Along with purchasing the paints you will need to stock up on items such as cosmetic wedges, paint brushes and some good sturdy plastic cups to hold water, a small table and a couple of sturdy chairs for your clients to sit on. These items can be relatively low-cost and can be found pretty much everywhere.

If you have not done this type of work before then is a good idea to practice before you begin. Most people find it helpful to start with drawing some of their favorite pictures. Once you are comfortable with the look of the pictures, ask members of your family and your friends to allow you to practice on them. As you become more comfortable with your designs, you may want to add more to the list.

Once you feel comfortable with your ability to produce the various designs, then you will want to consider where you can share your craft with others but, before you begin collecting customers make sure you check with your local city officials to ensure you have all the proper documentation. Many cities will require you to register for a license. Often, when you receive a license to work, you will be designated an area to work. The cost of the license will vary depending on where you are located and where you plan on sharing your skills.

To help encourage people to seek out your services and get a larger client base, make a few easy to read signs to display in and around the area you will be working. The signs can be created by computer software or, if you do not have access to a computer, simply draw them by hand to point people in the direction of your station.

Often, simply allowing happy customers to share their experiences with their family and friends will allow you the opportunity to get new clients. Once someone sees how great your work is they are often more than happy to share with others. It is often, one very happy customer that can turn into many more.

When it comes to deciding how much money you should charge for face painting Long Island, the choice is yours. When creating a price list most people take into account things such as where they have to go to work, how many hours they work and cost of supplies. Do keep in mind when considering your price list, most people will be discouraged from acquiring your services if prices are too high.

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