dimanche 26 octobre 2014

Guidelines To Follow In Dance Competition Ontario

By Patty Goff

Many people look at ballroom dancing as an activity that is carried out socially during some events. What they do not know is that it can be done competitively. These contests have greatly gained popularity especially in America. There are various competing events that bring together a lot of dancers from different places. For example, the dance competition Ontario which is usually organized in Canada.

When participating in any dancing competition, there are very many things that a dancer needs to prepare on before doing their routine before the judges. Some of these things include things like finesse, the posture, techniques and other things. The judges also take seriously the makeup and the costumes that the dancers wear.

The dancing performances that are done for social events and those of a competition are very different. For a social event, it is easier for the dancer to be relaxed and this makes the routine to run smoothly. For a contest however, there is the need to impress the judges and the fact that there are a lot of people staring makes the dancer not to be too relaxed. Professional dancers are therefore advised to always try as much as possible to dance for the fun and not just for the competition.

During the ballroom dancing battle, there is usually a spotlight following the dancer in every corner of the stage they move to. In such a case, keeping themselves calm may be a difficult task but they are required to try hard and be calm. If a dancer is tensed, it will make the quality of their routine to be diminished. An easy way to achieve this is by assuming that they are dancing privately without anyone watching.

Before the main dance, it is advisable that a dancer rehearses their routine while wearing the costume they intend to perform with. This way they will be able to get comfortable with the length and the tightness. There are some dresses that may interfere with the routine and they must be avoided. This will also help to determine if the stitching is right so that it does not embarrass the dancer while on stage.

They must also rehearse the routine wearing the shoes they want to wear during the contest. Tight shoes have the capability of spoiling the whole competition hence this is one thing that should never be forgotten.

The dance will also look better if the dancer makes an effort to accessorize their outfit correctly. For instance they can add a beautiful necklace and hair pins if they are girls to enhance the appearance of their dress. This is a kind of dancing that many people view as attractive therefore it is an aspect that will surely be looked at by the judges.

The last but the most important thing that a dancer must always have is confidence. Confidence is something that will definitely help the dancer to feel relaxed and therefore deliver the best performance they can. By following all the tips that have been given above, it should not be hard for any dancer to be victorious in their performance.

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