samedi 11 octobre 2014

Different Brazil Newspapers For The Everyday Reader

By Jocelyn Davidson

Newspapers have become an essential part of the daily morning habit of most people. Despite the fact that this industry has suffered greatly when the television and internet were introduced, there are still many people who prefer to read their share of daily news than watch it in moving pictures. There are even households who subscribe to a daily circulation of broadsheet.

The good thing about this day and age is that you can have access to newspapers anywhere in the world. For example, you want to know what the latest news in Brazil is and you are not from their country, you can. One of the biggest publications for Brazilian news that is Brasil News. This is a Brazil newspaper in Canada. This is just one, there are still countless publications out there.

Unlike before, newspapers are now being distributed at a large basis. This is because there is still demand for them even outside the country. If you are a from Brazil and you are currently residing in New York, you need to find some sort of source for information from your home country. Luckily, there are those publications that are already distributing internationally.

With so many broadsheets that are circulating everyday, you can just take your pick whether you like to read it in English or in Portuguese. One of the popular newspaper that is published in Portuguese is the O Estado De Sao Paulo which is distributed widely in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The other one is the O Globo. These two publications are known for the conservative way that there articles are written.

In contrast to the first two newspapers, the next options are more aggressive and liberal on their take. Folha de Sao Paulo and Jornal do Brasil are two of the major players in this variety. If you are more into reading these kind of articles, you can choose between the two broadsheets.

There are also those kind of newspapers that have a specialization. One of which is finance and the state of the economy and the businesses in the area. One of the most known newspaper for this is the Gazeta Mercantil. If you are more into politics, the Correio Braziliense would be a good choice for you.

There are also numerous publications for people who do not know how to read Portuguese. These broadsheets are published in English so that non Portuguese readers would still get daily updates. Each brand has their own highlight or specialty in their articles. The major players when it comes to general news and key events that are happening in Brazil is the BBC Country Profile Brazil and the Economist Brazil.

There are also those who are mainly focused on entertainment, leisure and traveling. Leading the pack is online newspaper Gringoes which features some of the best sites to visit in Brasil. There is also the Brazil Dispatch. This broadsheet also provides several crime write ups.

You can have the choice of reading between the newspapers that comes with everything or the ones that are only focused in one area and all its aspects. The nice thing about Brazilian newspapers is that you get to choose. This would save you a lot of time and money, assuming that you would have a daily subscription.

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