dimanche 30 mars 2014

Why Kush Remains To Be A Controversial Issue

By Jaclyn Hurley

When talk turns to the subject of Cannabis there seems to be as many opinions as speakers. Many people say that it is a harmless herb that is not addictive or harmful. In fact, many people are convinced that it is medicinal and that regular use can help relieve or even cure a host of illnesses. Others disagree strongly. In many countries it is illegal to deal in or even use Cannabis, or Kush as some call it. However, there are countries where it is legal and where it is sold in public places.

Originating in South and Central Asia, Cannabis boasts a host of uses. It is used to produce hemp, a string fiber that is used to produce clothing and a variety of other products. It also has a long history as a medicinal plant that can be used in many different forms and for relieving various ailments. However, most of the controversy surrounding the plant has to do with its use as a recreational drug.

One of the most common uses of Cannabis as a medical herb is to help patients receiving chemotherapy to battle nausea and vomiting. Several studies have concluded that that using the herb is more effective than using the standard prescription medicines which can lead to unpleasant side effects such as altered moods, dizziness and even hypotension. Cannabis stimulates the appetite and is therefore also often given to patients suffering from HIV.

Cannabis is also commonly used for relieving chronic pain, including pain resulting from rheumatism. It is also interesting to note that Marijuana has been approved in ten countries for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Patients report fast and significant relief from spasticity. A number of studies have found that the use of Cannabis for these patients will not lead to problems with tolerance or addiction.

Cannabis is not only used for medicinal purposes. Evidence has been found that it has been used in religious ceremonies as far as 2700 years ago. The Jushi culture used it as an aid to divination. There is also ample evidence that it has been used extensively as part of religious ceremonies in the east. Nowadays, the Rastafarian movement claims that Cannabis is an essential part of their religion.

There are many different ways in which to use Marijuana. Most people smoke it in one form or another, using a pipe, a bong or a homemade cigarette. Some people even fashion pipes from fruits such as apples, claiming that it purifies the smoke and provide a pleasant aroma. Many people use a special device to vaporize the plant and to then inhale the resultant fumes.

Smoking is not the only way in which to consume Cannabis. It can also be taken orally and in many parts of the world foodstuffs such as muffins and cookies are prepared with Cannabis as an ingredient. The desired effect will not occur as fast as it does when smoking it, but the results will be longer lasting. Many people also prepare an infusion of Marijuana, drinking it as one would drink tea.

People have strong opinions regarding Cannabis, either in favor or against. Critics say that it is a dangerous drug that can cause addiction and that will alter the personalities of regular users. Those in favor say that it is a natural herb that is not dangerous but that it actually offer many benefits.

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