mercredi 12 mars 2014

Kush Friendly Stands For Quality Freedom And Truth

By Jaclyn Hurley

Kush friendly is not only a brand that stands for quality, but also for truth in the battle against the wrongful bans on Marijuana the world over. Many researchers have shown that in a relatively short period in America since 1936, the scientific and social foundations of the ban changed radically, amounting to nonsense shortly after each change. These changes are interesting because they refer to the phenomenon where the talk is about the survival of the culture of the ban.

In other words, the senseless prohibition holds great worth to agents that would be on 'standby' without them. Otherwise, they would be forced to twiddle their thumbs and not have any measurable 'production'. This example serves to show that there are important features or benefits for bodies that may be implementing the ban.

There is also a major industry has grown around the forced treatment of cannabis users, and not only in the U. S. But the fact that authorities can do this without any criticism or embarrassment or control by politicians and keep reaping such huge benefits (like getting paid for bullying kids) is not easily explained. That statement is in the culture of cannabis prohibition itself, where the benefits are more than merely a consequence of it, they are the cause for its longevity.

You can ask European researchers across the pond to answer why cannabis is prohibited in their countries by the main bodies of their national enforcement systems. They will all reply, in very interesting ways, try it for yourself. The Swedish do it because cannabis is seen there as a stepping stone to other drugs, because it fosters apathy, and they have even accused the plant of causing schizophrenia. They believe that it can cause dependence, and various levels of psychosis.

Jehoiada Verrips is an anthropologist whose work has a fascination in the religious background of ritual murders in early 20th century in Europe. The murders and the need for them would be felt as a divine commandment, they cleared the perpetrators, liberated them from a defilement that was first transferred to the victims. According to Verrips, the victims here are people, but also plants!

The actual effects have not been tested in the different political systems and people in the world are told quite seriously about these facts, which are baseless. These lies keep extending their own shelf life and thus flow across the world into some or other form of active enforcement of cannabis prohibition. In addition, all sorts of different mixtures of stories that depend on complex historical developments in different political systems have been added to spice up the lies.

The more mundane aspects of the ban also need some contemplation. The example of organizations that benefit from the culture of cannabis prohibition comes from ongoing research into cannabis arrests in New York by Harry Levine. His thesis is that the driving force behind the arrest of large and growing number of people for the possession of cannabis in the city of New York is not the use of cannabis, or any possible increase in risks for local police.

There is no need to go into the debate about cannabis as a stepping stone drug. Just leave that statement as one that would lead to a series of epidemiological publications to tear it apart with proof about the unsustainability of cannabis as a stepping stone drug. The solution? Put your kit and show your colors for what's right!

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