mercredi 1 janvier 2014

Many Times A Great Food Packaging Illustration Is A Deciding Factor

By Marcia Marks

When designing a product there are always several aspects of the product mix to take into account. Price, place and promotion are just some examples of these. However, probably the most interesting and directly influential piece of the product mix is the packaging. A perfect example to explore this idea would be through the medium of food packaging illustration. The food industry is a highly competitive one. Visitors to the supermarket hallways are always inundated with hundreds of different and colorful about which brand of food to buy.

Luckily there is a wealth of people who are just so design oriented who are more than willing and able to do the work for those who haven't a clue. There are a number of steps to be taken however in finding and organizing such a project. Following these simple steps will ensure a smooth and successful project in the creation of your brand logo.

The first step to take is that of choosing and setting a budget. Every business only has a certain amount of cash that they can spend on funding certain projects and logo design is no different. Factors to take into account in this regard are the medium to be used, the experience of the designer, the size of the company or brand in question and the specific project requirements.

Secondly, avoid cliche, when designing a brand logo. There are number of recurring themes and ideas towards logo design that have gotten long in the tooth and continue to crop up again and again as lazy designers fall back on old and overdone methods of design. Always keep it fresh and differentiate yourself from the crowd.

The third step in the process is to brief the designer in detail. Such aspects to cover are: what does your company do, what do you want the logo to say about your company, do you want it to be an image or a typographical logo, who is your target market, how are you different from your competitors and do you have a tag line that needs to be included with the logo. Once the designer is prepped on all these ideas they will be able to start work as soon as possible and will be more prepped to bring out a design that satisfies.

Once the designer begins their work they will most likely present you with a number of concept ideas for you to choose which your favorite is. You need to weigh up the pros and cons of each design. Such choices include: does this represent my company and will the colors work within the overall company identity of my brand.

Always remember to give feedback to your designer during this process. Letting them know exactly what you feel about each design will go a long way towards helping them develop a design that is more to your liking. Look at the design process as a journey rather than a destination.

Therefore always remember to keep in mind these simple hints when designing food packaging illustration. Doing so will set your brand apart and instill the idea within the minds of your customers. Never forget the customer is always right.

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