mardi 21 janvier 2014

Music Lessons For Your Child

By Madeleine Bridgeman

No matter what subject you are learning, the way you are being taught can make all the difference. Whether the subject is math, history or science, the ability of the instructor can make the class a fantastic experience or one that is quite unpleasant. This is also true for those taking music lessons. A great instructor can really inspire a young musician to excel, while a poor music teacher can turn that same child's enjoyment level down to the point where he or she has no interest in continuing music lessons. To ensure a successful music experience, here are help teacher selection tips.

Obviously, you want to select someone with excellent qualifications. So look for someone with both professional experience as a musician and a music teacher. Ask your potential teacher about the ages of their previous students as well as what instruments they have taught children to play. After all, if your instructor has mainly taught higher level students, they might not be a great match for a young child taking their very first lessons. A teacher that focuses mainly on piano and voice might not be the best person to teach your child how to play the violin or clarinet.

You need to also ask about expectations. These include what your child wants to get out of the experience, as well as your own expectations and those of the teacher. Perhaps you simply want your child to be exposed to music and just enjoy the experience, or perhaps you are hoping that they will play throughout high school and college at a very high level. Your teacher also will have certain expectations in mind and it's good if all three of you are on the same page.

While practice is a huge part of learning an instrument and discipline is crucial, you should not forget about the fun factor. After all, you do want your children to enjoy themselves at their lessons. If the teacher seems very stern and inflexible, this might not be a great way to start for your child. Someone organized and thorough but personable is a better match for a young child who might be a bit nervous and even sometimes have a bit of trouble focusing.

Sometimes, it is your gut instinct that should be your guide. This might mean that you choose a younger, hip teacher over an older, more experienced instructor or it might mean you opt for the most experienced person of all that you interview. One thing that often gets kids excited about music is allowing them to choose some of the songs that they learn. This might include some favorite classic rock tunes and pop music along with the classical works of Bach and Mozart.

If you need a music teacher in Orange County or music lessons in Dana Point, San Clemente or Laguna Niguel, try to find a place that not only offers highly skilled music teachers, but also a music school that focuses on making the whole experience fun and enriching. Options such as Los Rios Rock School are definitely worth considering. Students at this music school not only learn the fundamentals during a weekly private lesson, they also become part of an actual rock band. These student bands perform throughout the year at many popular venues, such as the House of Blues.

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